How long after crocodile mating are the eggs laid?


Answer 1

Crocodiles normally take 3 or 4 weeks to develop their eggs after mating. After laying the eggs, it'll take them 3 months more or less to hatch.

Hope it helped,


Answer 2

around 80 days

The eggs have an incubation period of around 80 days. The rate of development is strongly influenced by temperature. The warmer it is the faster they grow! After two to three weeks the temperature of the nest determines the sex of the embryo

Btw can i have brainliest

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What makes up a molecule of water?​



2 Hyrogens atoms and 1 oxygen


its H2O a molecule is a atom so 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atoms make up a water

A molecule of water is made up of 3 atoms. 2 Hydrogen atoms and 1 Oxygen atom. H2O.

To prepare for the cross-country meet, a skier decides to significantly increase the amount of carbohydrates in his diet (a technique also known as carbohydrate loading). Why might this be beneficial to the cross-country skier? Check all that apply. Carbohydrates are used to build actin filaments in the myofibrils, which increases muscle bulk and performance. The liver can store copious amounts of ingested carbohydrates as glycogen, which can then be slowly broken down to release the glucose needed to fuel aerobic respiration. As long as oxygen is present, the glucose stored in the ingested carbohydrates can provide a steady stream of ATP, thus meeting the demands of prolonged periods of exercise. Eating more carbohydrates leads to more glycogen stores in muscles, which then equates to larger energy stores for short, explosive bouts of energy use.



The glucose is the primary source of energy, which yields ATP in the presence of oxygen. The continuous intake of carbohydrates provide streamlined flow ATP that is meeting the demands of prolonged exercises.


Carbohydrate loading is defined as the increase in the intake of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are stored in the form of glycogen, which is then broken down to yield glucose. Glucose is necessary to drive the vital functions of the body, such as respiration.

An athlete performing extensive exercise requires streamflow of ATP to fulfill the energy demands of the body. The metabolism of glucose provides ATP. The carbohydrates are the rich source of glucose, which in the substrate level undergoes oxidative phosphorylation and citric acid cycle. Oxygen plays a primary role in the breakdown of carbohydrates as glucose. It plays a crucial role in accepting electrons in the electron transport chain to synthesize ATP.

Thus, the continuous supply of oxygen is necessary for the metabolism of macromolecules. ATP in a higher amount is required by athletes to improve muscle performance. Thus, the stored glucose and continuous supply of oxygen are necessary to generate energy molecules.

For Further Reference:

HELP PLEASEEEEE !!1. What are the products of the chemical reaction of cellular respiration?
2. How does energy transform in the process of cellular respiration?


Answer: number 1 is oxygen and glucose into water and carbon dioxide. Water and carbon dioxide

number 2 is Through the process of cellular respiration, the energy in food is converted into energy that can be used by the body's cells. During cellular respiration, glucose and oxygen are converted into carbon dioxide and water, and the energy is transferred to ATP


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the nucleus is the control center of the cell. 
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Adaptation is when something gets used to living in certain place or a type of way.
For example a polar bear. They did not exist until when it got very cold and the bears could not survive  so they had to change how they lived they adapted to their environment and the climate
something adapting is something updating. something in the process of adaption.