Why are common names not a good reference to a species


Answer 1
Answer: they are not good references because they could be names u give a dog like for ex. 

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The Americans resorted to energy and gas-saving measures to cope with the embargo and the high price of oil.  The competition posed by non-OPEC members also contributed to the drop in oil prices and this affected the Arab economy who also took up austerity approaches to address the matter.  The prices of oil later stabilized in the 1980s.

Answer: the answer is A. Increased its dependency on foreign oil

Explanation: just took test.

Compare autotrophs to heterotrophs, and describe the relationship between these two groups of organisms.


The hetotrophs depend upon the Autotrophs for making their own food and comparison of autotrophs to heterotrophs are as follows.

Comparision of autotrophs and hetotrophs.


  • An organisms that prepare their own food through photosynsthesis process is called autotrophs.
  • Autotrophs also known as producers.
  • Autotrophs store chemical energy in carbohydrate food molecules they build themselves.
  • Example of autotrophs are plants, algae and some bateria.
  • They cannot  eat other organisms and their byproduct.
  • In food chain, autotrophs make up the first trophic levels.


  • The organisms that cannot prepare their own food and depends on others.
  • It is also know as consumer.
  • The heterotrophs cannot store chemical energy in carbohydrate food molecule.
  • Example of heterotrophs are animals, fungi and many bacteria.
  • They can eat other organisms and their byproduct.
  • In food chain, heterotrophs form the next trophic levels after plants.

To learn more about Autotrophs here.



Photosynthesis - Photoautotrophs use energy from sun to convert water from the soil and carbon dioxide from the air into glucose.Glucose provides energy to plants and is used to make cellulose whichis used to build cell walls. E.g. Plants, algae, phytoplankton and some bacteria. Carnivorous plants like pitcher plant use photosynthesisfor energy production but depend on other organisms for other nutrientslike nitrogen, potassium and phosphorous. Hence, these plants arebasically autotrophs.Chemosynthesis - Chemoautotrophs use energy from chemical reactions to make food. The chemical reactions are usually between hydrogen sulfide/methane with oxygen.Carbon dioxide is the main source of carbon for Chemoautotrophs. E.g.Bacteria found inside active volcano, hydrothermal vents in sea floor, hot water springs

Minerals are micronutrients required by the body for various key functions. The mineral _____ (a. calcium; b. iron; c. sodium) is required to carry oxygen in the blood to all body tissues, and _____ (a. vegetable oil; b. red meat; c. milk) is a rich source of this mineral.Minerals are micronutrients required by the body for various key functions. The mineral is required to carry oxygen in the blood to all body tissues, and is a rich source of this mineral.


Answer: 1) Iron, 2) Red meat


Minerals are micronutrients required by the body for various key functions. The mineral iron is required to carry oxygen in the blood to all body tissues, and red meatis a rich source of this mineral. Minerals are micronutrients required by the body for various key functions. The mineral is required to carry oxygen in the blood to all body tissues and is a rich source of this mineral.

Final answer:

The mineral iron is necessary for carrying oxygen in the blood to all body tissues. A rich source of iron isred meat. It's important to consume iron as the body cannot synthesize it.

Options B and B are Correct


Minerals are indeed micronutrients that aid in various key functions of the body. In this context, the mineral 'iron' plays an intrinsic role in the body as it helps carry oxygen in our blood to all the body's tissues. Red meat, amongst others, is considered a rich source of iron.

Iron ions are crucial to the formation of hemoglobin, a protein in red blood cells that transports oxygen from the lungs to the tissues in the body. A lack of iron can lead to iron deficiency anemia, a common type of anemia that causes fatigue and weakness because the body cannot produce enough healthy red blood cells to carry oxygen.

Moreover, it's important to know that minerals cannot be synthesized by the body; hence, they must be sourced from our diet.

Learn more about Iron and Red Meat here:



The allele for brown eyes is dominant to the allele for blue eyes.Write down suitable symbols for these alleles.


B=Brown dominant
b=Blue recessive 

Possible Geno and Phenotypes

BB=Brown eyes

Bb= Brown eyes

bb= Blue eyes

Final answer:

In genetics, dominant alleles are often represented by capital letters and recessive alleles by lower-case letters. Therefore, the allele for brown eyes can be symbolized as 'B' and the allele for blue eyes as 'b'.


In genetics, capital letters are used to represent dominant alleles, while lower-case letters are used to represent recessive alleles. Therefore, we can use 'B' as the symbol for the dominant brown eye allele and 'b' for the recessive blue eye allele. When both 'B' alleles are present (BB), or when a 'B' and a 'b' allele are present (Bb), the individual will have brown eyes, because 'B' is dominant. However, when both 'b' alleles are present (bb), the individual will have blue eyes, because the blue eye allele can only be expressed when the dominant allele is not present.

Learn more about Genetic Symbols here:



The feelings or sensations a work of art produces are called


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Clinical studies
