How many unique zygotes can a couple make?


Answer 1

Each person carries 23 pairs of  chromosomes in every cell that makes up their body, with the exception of gametes, which contain 23 SINGLE chromosomes. So when a sperm and egg meet, they then have 23 pairs. In the process of meiosis 'crossing-over' occurs, which means that the chromosomes get "shuffled". This means that the child can receive random traits not only from the parents, but also the grandparents. so there is about  2⁴⁶ possible pairings, excluding the risk for things such as Down-Syndrome

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Because most species have a high reproductive capacity, populations tend to grow if environmental conditions permit. The change in the size of a population depends on the rate at which new organisms enter the population, compared with the rate at which they leave. Natality is the number of individuals added to the population by reproduction per thousand individuals in the population. Mortality is the number of individuals leaving a population by death per thousand individuals in the population. If a species enters a previously uninhabited area, its population will go through a typical pattern of growth. Figure 17.8 shows a population growth curve, which is a graph of change in population size over time. There are four recognizable portions in a population growth curve: the lag phase, the exponential growth phase, the deceleration phase, and the stable equilibrium phase.

Summarize the experiment in which Griffith became aware that hereditary information could be transmitted between two organisms in an unusual manner.



In his experiment, Griffith used two strains of  Streptococcus pneumoniae type II- rough(R) strain and a type III smooth(S) strain. The type III smooth strain had an outer polysaccharide capsule which makes smooth strain a virulent strain.

So in his experiment, Griffith injected these strains in mice in an order and observed the result. When he  

injected living S strain- Mice died

Injected living R- strain- Mice survived

Injected heat-killed S strain- Mice survived

Injected heat S strain+ living R strain- Mice died

So after his experiment, he concluded that R strain took something from heat killed S strain which transformed the R strain into virulent strain that killed the Mice. So based on this experiment Griffith gave transformation principle.

How does smoking relate to risk of heart attack and atherosclerosis


Smoking is a dangerous habit that increases the risk of heart attack and atherosclerosis. The toxins in a cigarette can lower a person’s “good cholesterol” while lowering their “bad cholesterol.” The nicotine and carbon found in a cigarette can also harm the endothelium. Aside from this, it increases the chances of developing malignant hypertension. Smoking is indeed bad for the heart. 

Define the term asexual reproduction?


Asexual reproduction is when an organism is able to create an identical offspring by itself.
(One parent)

Select all that apply. The two bones of the lower arm are _____. radius humerus ulna tibia femur


Answer: The correct answer for the blank is-

Radius and ulna.

The radius and ulna are the two bones that are located in the forearm. The forearm is the area of the upper limb, which extends from the elbow region to the wrist region in the arm.

Both of these bones provide lateral support to the hand as radius bone provides supports the region where thumb is present and ulna bone provides lateral support towards the region of the little finger.

The two bones of the lower arm are the radius and ulna.

Humerus is in the upper arm .
Femur is in the upper leg.
Tibia is in the lower leg.

List three machines or devices that depend on gravity to work.


Gravity is a force which causes objects to fall or be still on the earth's surface. This invisible force has been longed explored mainly by many scientist however, Isaac Newton was first to conceptualize this into a proper principle. 

GravityLight is a device that was recently developed by engineers that is designed to produce light through the force of gravity.