Television is more effective than radio in influencing public opinion because on the television you can see the speaker and observe his movements and gestures, all the little tricks of public speaking. a. True
b. False


Answer 1
Answer: its true.... on the radio you can only hear them... TV is much more effective

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c. Ability to bond
b. Flexibility
d. Highly reactive


The answer is (a. Semi-conducting)
In the computer industry, semi-metals with a semiconducting property are useful in making of semiconductors. These metals have high resistance but lower than compare to insulators. This conductor could be crystalline or amorphous solids.

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It's simple. Missing link is the connecting link which had been cut or extinct. The main example are extinct animal species.

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Data Base: a structured set of data held in a computer, especially one that is accessible in various ways.

File: a folder or box for holding loose papers that are typically arranged in a particular order for easy reference. (this is for the computer and not like paper)

a thing constituting a piece of evidence about the past, especially an account of an act or occurrence kept in writing or some other permanent form. (so like a past item)

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Composition of Reflections a) Urgent assistance needed b) Please help immediately c) Immediate help required d) Urgent request for help


Answer: 1. Urgent assistance needed 2. Immediate help required 3. Urgent request for help 4. Please help immediately  The option "Urgent assistance needed" is the most direct and explicit in conveying the urgency of the situation, making it the most suitable for urgent requests.  The option "Immediate help required" also conveys a strong sense of urgency, although it is slightly less direct than the first option.  The option "Urgent request for help" clearly indicates the need for urgent assistance, but it may be perceived as slightly less urgent compared to the first two options.  The option "Please help immediately" is still urgent but may be considered slightly less urgent or forceful than the other options, as it includes a polite request along with the sense of urgency.  Ultimately, the choice of which composition to use depends on the specific context and the desired tone of the request for help.

Which of the following is a characteristic of perceptual fluency observed in ads? a. It is the result of ignoring the secondary information of an ad. b. It is found in ads that are subliminal and conscious in nature. c. It is found in the cues of ads that are subtle in nature. d. It is found in ads that are dependent on brief periods of exposure.



The correct answer to the following question will be Option C (It is found in the cues of ads that are subtle).


  • The results of this study suggest that perceptual or visual fluidity is morally optimistic, instead of neutral, as demonstrated in enhanced decisions of visual appeal and like, and reduced opinions of awfulness and hate.
  • Advertising exposure times strengthen the simplicity through which investors acknowledge and process a mark as per the processing fluid system.

So, it's the right answer.