What is extreme pride in ones own nation called?


Answer 1
Answer: It depends, but 'nationalism' and 'jingoism' both work. 

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This occurred for numerous reasons. One would be that they never could've presumed how much damage it could do so they didn't care. Other things could be that they knew that it would harm the economy by reducing production.


British leaders feared that such laws would interfere with businesses and harm the economy



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Which statement best analyzes criticisms of the New Deal?A) The New Deal was denounced for increasing the national debt and reach of the federal government.
B) The New Deal was condemned for decreasing the power of the Supreme Court.
C) The New Deal was criticized for increasing the size and scope of local government.
D)The New Deal was seen as promoting American dependency on the federal government.


B is the one I got if wrong sorry

Answer:The answer is A.


The New Deal was denounced for increasing the national debt and reach of the federal government.

Differing interpretations of the Bible by Christians in Europe eventually led tothe Reformation.
the Hundred Years’ War.
the Black Plague.
the Italian wars.


The answer is: the Reformation.

The Reformation, which began in the 16th century, resulted in the birth of different Protestant and other forms of Christian ideologies, and it was the product of many historical events, but perhaps the most relevant ones were the different theological interpretations of the bible revolving around the notions of salvation, sin, predestination, iconography, and even the role of the Papacy.  


the reformation


cause i am a teacher,mr martin

The Magna Carta was presented to King John in 1215 because people Owere tired of his tyrannical rule. Owanted him to declare war on France. wanted to praise him for his good deeds. were afraid he was too vweak a ruler.​


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