Use the following image to complete the matching exercise below. You will match the number from each white box in the image with the proper term.
Use the following image to complete the matching exercise below. - 1


Answer 1
Answer: 1: Continental shelf
2: Benthic Zone
3: Bathyal zone
4: Abyssal Zone
5: Photic Zone
6: Aphotic Zone
7: Bathypelagic Zone
8: Most ocean fish (including sharks) and most invertebrates (jellyfish, coral, zoo-plankton. As well as seals Turtles and the Man-of-war
9: Copepods, Anenomes, Anglerfish, and many animals that are bio-luminescent, otherwise known as creating light themselves such as the anglerfish 
10: Giant squids, crustaceans and jellyfish.

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The role of ATP in the cell is transport energy.
(A)It's most important role is to TRANSPORT ENERGY...........

Which process plays an important role in the biogeochemical cycles of carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus?


The biogeochemical cycles move through mainly the biotic and abiotic components of the earth, more elaborately the spheres -biospheres, lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere regions of the ecosystem. These biogeochemical cycles, from its terminology and discernable word morphology- involves the biological, geological and chemical components that make out to complete an exact and purposed cycle. The purpose in these cycles are to maintain balance and to ensure the ongoing process of the living and non-living organisms in the environment. These cycles’ help to living organisms survive and thrive. One popular example is the water cycle. 

Final answer:

The biogeochemical cycles of carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus carry these elements through ecosystems, cycling them among living organisms and the environment. These cycles involve processes such as photosynthesis, decomposition, and various nitrogen transformations, with organisms like marine bacteria playing key roles. This understanding is vital for maintaining Earth's ecosystems.


The biogeochemical cycles of carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus are essential to the functioning of ecosystems, as these cycles control the movement of these substances through the biosphere. In these cycles, elements are recycled between abiotic factors of the environment (like water, air, soil, and geological formations) and biotic organisms (living creatures).

Carbon, an integral part of all organic compounds, is cycled through processes such as photosynthesis, respiration, and decomposition. The ocean is a major reservoir of carbon and plays a significant role in its cycle.

The Nitrogen Cycle is a biological process that converts nitrogen gas from the atmosphere into different nitrogen compounds that can be used by plants. These compounds are then passed along the food chain. The processes involved include nitrogen fixation, ammonification, nitrification, and denitrification.

Similarly, Phosphorus is cycled through the environment. This is an important nutrient present in nucleic acids and phospholipids and is a major component of bones. Unlike carbon and nitrogen, the phosphorus cycle does not include a gas phase, existing primarily in solid and aquatic stages.

In all these cycles, various organisms play critical roles. For instance, marine bacteria process nitrogen in the ocean, and certain bacteria in the soil can fix atmospheric nitrogen into a form that plants can use. Understanding and preserving these cycles are crucial for the health of Earth's ecosystems.

Learn more about Biogeochemical Cycles here:


Referred to as a giant molecule


Giant covalent structures contain a lot of non-metal atoms, each joined to adjacent atoms by covalent bonds. The atoms are usually arranged into giant regular lattices - extremely strong structures because of the many bonds involved. The graphic shows the molecular structure of diamond and graphite: two allotropes of carbon, and of silica (silicon dioxide).




Both the arctic fox and snowshoe rabbit have made species adaptations over time that enable them to survive. For example, both creatures have fur that turns white in winter and fur on the pads of their feet. These are examples of adaptations to


The answer is seasonal changes.

Animals that live in taiga biomes had to adapt to seasonal changes, by changing their fur or feather color. For example, snowshoe rabbit and arctic fox live in taiga and their fur color changes with environmental conditions. To effectively camouflage, their fur is white during the winter. That helps them blend into the snow. In the summer, where there is no snow, their fur is brown and similar to the soil color. This way they evade predators because it is more difficult for their predators to spot them.


A) Climate

The arctic fox and snowshoe rabbit have made species adaptations over time that help them to survive. For example, both creatures have fur that turns white in winter. They also have fur on the pads of their feet. These are both examples of their adaptations to Climate

What is the scientific definition of energy? A. the ability to use the stored potential of an object B. the ability to use the change in direction of an object C. the ability to use an applied force in order to make an object move D. the ability to use the change in temperature of an object


Correct answer: C). The ability to use an applied force in order to make an object move

The energy can be defined as the capacity to move an object by the application of the force. It can exist in various forms such as chemical, electrical, mechanical and nuclear. It can not be created but it can be transformed from one form to another form of energy. It is the driving force of the universe.

Hence, the correct answer would be option C.

the answer is C. The ability to use an applied force in order to make an object move.

What form of energy is stored in a green plant?


Plants take radiant energy (energy from the sun) and convert it into mainly chemical energy.