In at least one hundred words, explain how O'Connor and Welty each use descriptions of setting to establish a specific tone in their short stories, "A Good Man is Hard To Find" and "The Petrified Man."


Answer 1

In the short stories "A Good Man is hard to Find" and "The Petrified Man", the authors use effective descriptions of the settings, they use all the senses to graphically describe the scenes and situations. The kind of description both  utilize include visual, auditory, smell, touch or tactile and at times taste. The style in their narrative gives the reader a complete experience and understanding of the background and setting.

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Romeo's and Juliet's families are known to be rival to the point that they're willing to kill each other.
Both of them of course love their own family, but their love to each other is greater than that, and the only way for them to continue express their love to each other is through secrecy

hope this helps

Sample Answer supplied by Plato, do not use it if you are completing courses online:

The theme of familial love is developed across act II, scenes I–III through Romeo and Juliet’s dialogue. While Romeo and Juliet know that they can’t stop loving each other simply because of their families’ hatred, they both are tormented at the thought of being in love with the enemy. They know that in giving in to their love for each other, they are being disloyal to their families. Juliet wishes that Romeo would change his name for her love. Yet, she also contradicts her own loyalty by admitting that she’s willing to stop being a Capulet for his love:

O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo?

Deny thy father and refuse thy name;

Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love,

And I'll no longer be a Capulet!

The hatred between their families forces Romeo and Juliet to keep their love a secret. Juliet knows that if her family finds out about her love for Romeo they will kill him. Romeo remains willing to risk his life for their love:

JULIET: How camest thou hither, tell me, and wherefore?

The orchard walls are high and hard to climb,

And the place death, considering who thou art,

If any of my kinsmen find thee here.

ROMEO: With love's light wings did I o'er-perch these walls;

For stony limits cannot hold love out,

And what love can do that dares love attempt;

Therefore thy kinsmen are no let to me.

For their own safety, Romeo and Juliet decide to get married in secret, hoping that their marriage will bring their families together. Friar Laurence, who agrees to officiate their secret wedding, also hopes that their love will erase their families’ hatred:

But come, young waverer, come, go with me,

In one respect I'll thy assistant be;

For this alliance may so happy prove,

To turn your households' rancour to pure love.

Danny is unhappy with himself for not landing his dream job a couple of weeks ago. His self-confidence is extremely low, and he wonders if he'll ever get the job that he wants. Usually, he'd email his sister when he's in low spirits, but she just left for a trip and won't have Internet access. How should Danny care for himself emotionally?A. write about his feelings in a journal
B. start working out at a local gym
C. create a plan to find another job
D. let things go and spend a few days just relaxing


The answer is:

A. write about his feelings in a journal

Given that he was used to do this, by writting his sister, it would be easier for him to start a journal and talk about what´s bothering him, facing his feelings can help him manage them and grow.

It's A Because I just had the same question and got it right

Exit The narrower your research question,a. the deeper your research can go.
b. the more difficult it is to research.
c. the broader the parameters of your research.
d. the fewer the topics you can cover.


i belive you answer is letter d

Read the excerpt below and answer the question. And after seeing, once again, my mother's disappointed face, something inside me began to die.

The author's purpose in describing the narrator's response to her mother is to _____.

A.reveal that the narrator is becoming rebellious that the narrator is trying to be smarter \ that the mother is cruel to her daughter
D.reveal that the mother is unaware of her actions


The author's purpose in describing the narrator's response to her mother is to:

  • A. Reveal that the narrator is becoming rebellious

What is the Purpose of a Text?

The purpose of a text refers to the main reason for which the writer pens down the text contained in the passage.

Parents are often disappointed when their children become rebellious, so it is reasonable to believe that the woman's disappointed face was because of the rebellion of her child.

Learn more about the purpose of a text here:


the answer to this is A

11. What is a group of words that begins with a preposition and ends with an object? A. Adverbial phrase B. Prepositional phrase C. Dependent clause D. Prepositional relationship


prepositional pharse because it positions the object

The answer is B. Prepositional phrase

Which action is an aseptic technique that would reduce the chance of bacteria on a lab table contaminating a lab notebook


One of the aseptic technique that would reduce the chance of bacteria on a lab table contaminating a lab notebook would be : Wiping the lab table with disinfectant and wearing sterile gloves
This will prevent microorganism to be carried out from the table

hope this helps
Wiping off the surface of the lab table with disinfectant.

Aseptic means free of germs, viruses, and bacteria.