How did the effort to fund both the Great Society and a great military establishment affect the federal budget?


Answer 1
Answer: The correct answer for this question is this one: "The Federal budget increased tremendously after the Great Society programs became law." The effort to fund both the Great Society and a great military establishment affect the federal budget by increasing tremendously the budget .

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Which are accurate descriptions of the reign of Louis XIV?Choose all answers that are correct.

He called himself the Sun King because he considered himself as important as the sun itself.

He created and enforced laws that prohibited persecution for religious beliefs.

During his 72-year reign, he claimed the divine right of kings.

He did all that he could and made sacrifices to help the working people with their everyday struggles.


A. he thought without him his country would fail

Correct answers:

  • A. He called himself the Sun King because he considered himself as important as the sun itself.
  • C. During his 72-year reign, he claimed the idea of the divine right of kings.


Louis XIV is a hugely important historical figure.  He was on the throne as king in France from childhood to his old age; he ruled from 1643 to 1715. He was known as the Sun King because all activity in France basically revolved around him.  So much so was that the case, that members of the nobility competed with each other for the right to help the king get dressed in the morning!  It was one of Louis XIV's goals to keep the ranking nobles from being a threat to his power, so he lured them to come live at the glorious Versailles palace with him. That way he could keep them under his influence and away from their lands in the provinces.  They were lavishly entertained, but lost the real power they would have had as lords governing in their provincial lands.

As to the "divine right of kings" idea, that belief was summed up succinctly by Bishop Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet, who was court preacher at the royal court of Louis XIV.  Bossuet said that monarchy "is sacred, it is paternal, it is absolute … the royal throne is not that of a man but the throne of God himself."  The claim of kings' divine right meant their authority could not be challenged because they were put in their office by God and were to be respected as God's sovereign representatives.

With God’s help, I believe that I have completely rid myself of any ill feeling toward the Southern white man for any wrong that he may have inflicted upon my race. —Booker T. Washington What “wrongs” is Washington referring to in the quote above? Use what you have learned in the lesson to explain your answer.



I believe that Washington is describing these "wrongs" as things such as things that discriminized equality with all races such as segregation and the violence from white supremasist groups or any court hearings that upheld "seperate but equal" policies.


i just took the test this is perfect you need to include :


poll taxes

intimidation and violence by white supremacist groups

court rulings that upheld “separate but equal” policies



poll taxes

intimidation and violence by white supremacist groups

court rulings that upheld “separate but equal” policies


What is another name for the enlightenment?


awareness of something, gaining of a new wisdom, or understanding.

What led to the Truman doctrine and containment? What pattern of foreign policy did the doctrine establish?


it's "To contain communism, Truman promised to give financial aid to countries like Turkey."
the Truman Doctrine is a set of principles of U.S. foreign policy declared by Harry Truman in a 1947 address to Congress to request $400 million in aid to Greece and Turkey, as well as authorization to send American economic and military advisers to the two countries. Truman argued that the U.S. should support Greece and Turkey economically and militarily to prevent their falling under Soviet control. he supported this request by proclaiming: "one of the primary objectives of the foreign policy of the United States is the creation of conditions in which we and other nations will be able to work out a way of life free from coercion. this was a fundamental issue in the war with Germany and Japan. our victory was won over countries which sought to impose their will, and their way of life, upon other nations." he called upon the U.S. to "support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures," which generalized his hopes for Greece and Turkey into a doctrine applicable throughout the world. the Soviet Union was clearly at the heart of Truman's thoughts, but it was never directly mentioned in his speech. as Edler states, Truman was attempting to solve Eastern Europe's instability while making sure the spread of communism would not affect nations like Greece and Turkey.

What is the significance of the date 1787


THe consitution was signed making america a country 
1787 was the year that the representatives of the states got together at the Philadelphia Convention to draft and sign the Constitution.

Who were the grievances in the declaration directed towards


The Declaration of Rights and Grievances was a document written by the Stamp Act Congress and passed on October 14, 1765. It declared that taxes imposed on British Colonists without their formal consent were unconstitutional.