Which sentence contains a singular subject? A. The students on the social committee are planning the school dance.
B. All of the fruit looks ripe.
C. Some of the friends will be taking calculus next year.
D. Many in the auditorium had questions for the speaker.


Answer 1


The sentence that contains a singular subject is sentence B.


Sentence B is the sentence that contains a singular subject because the noun head is singular. In order to determine whether a sentence has a singular or plural subject, you should look at the noun head. In this case, the head of the noun phrase subject of the sentence is "fruit". "All" is a quantifier which selects a PP complement which takes the NP subject as complement. Then, sentences A, C, and D have all plural subjects (students, friends, many).

Answer 2
Answer: The answer is B. All of the fruit looks ripe. 

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Rama knew that Sita was most likely not married because she did not cause him to recoil from her. 
A description of prosperity in Mithila would be that "The streets glitter with odds and ends of jewelry cast off by the people..."
The pair of words that best describe Sita would be agitated and infatuated.
The author mostly reveals the character of Rama through his actions within the story.

How does Josie change over the course of thestory? Use text evidence to support your answer.


In the beggining, Joise had a terrible attitude towards everything. He explained to the reader how disappointed and bored he was to go on this trip in Coloma, California. Only his father stayed exited to show them the setting of California. But triple G, his great, great grandfather was a hero and great inspiration to him. After getting an assignmnet to write about a historical figure, Triple G, was his obvious choice. Motivated he wanted to find some facts on his great-great grandpa. Going to the library, he found out the truth about his heroic grandpa:/ and he wasnt so heroic anymore. 
Remember the beggining? he had attitude? Now he comes to his father to tell him the secret he had firgured out with facts to explain how Triple G couldnt have been all that he says he was. Afterwards, Joise, realized that he had sadend his father. His character changes and also becomes sadned, like the story states, "his heart sank," after reading the 3 sentences he had only found on triple G.
i hope this makes sence:P
and i hope it helps

Why do a play list the character at the beginning


To let the reader know who the characters are and what their role is

Which sentence uses commas correctly?a. On August 15, 1987 we left our house in the big city.
b. On August, 15 1987 we left our house in the big city.
c. On August 15 1987, we left our house in the big city.
d. On August 15, 1987, we left our house in the big city.


The answer is the last one d

Refer to Explorations in Literature for a complete version of this poem. Near the end of "The River Merchant's Wife: A Letter," the speaker describes how she is hurt by seeing the "paired butterflies," which are "already yellow with August." How do these details develop the idea that time and maturity can allow love to develop between two people?

A. They show that the speaker is still immature, which is why real love has not yet developed between her and her husband.

B.They suggest that the beauty of the natural world is fleeting and cannot compare to the lasting beauty of two mature people who love one another.

C. They show that, even when two people are mature enough to be in love, separation and time can cause their feelings to change and dim and wither.

D. They suggest that the speaker is no longer the innocent girl or the bashful bride she once was, and she wants to be paired again with her beloved husband.


The answer is option D.

In the poem "The River Merchant's Wife: A Letter," by Ezra Pound, the speaker makes reference to the paired yellow butterflies to suggest that she is growing old and that she is not with her beloved husband. Actually, she misses him and longs to meet him again.


The answer is D.


They suggest that the speaker is no longer the innocent girl or the bashful bride she once was, and she wants to be paired with her beloved husband.

We get a glimpse of Skinner's later work in his childhood love of a) Science b) Nature c) Literature d) Art




Skinner was born on March 20, 1904 in Susquehanna, a small railroad town in the hills of Pennsylvania just below Binghamton, New York. With one younger brother, he grew up in a home environment he described as “warm and stable”. His father was a rising young lawyer, his mother a housewife.