How did new technologies increase the number of casualties compared with previous wars


Answer 1


Way more brutal military weapons caused more deaths.


Some of the new technologies were things like Poison gas, gas masks, armored tanks, aircraft, since nobody knew how to fight those things, the governments used them to increase the death charts to really high levels.

It was with the flow of time that the governments knew how to fight them.

Answer 2
Answer: Well if your talking bout guns they became a lot more accurate and they could hold more bullets cause the clips

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What territories did Alexander the Great conquered?


Alexander the Great conquered many territories, mainly in these locations: Egypt, The middle east, Central Asia, and Greece. He was the student of Aristotle, and brought many cultures together for the brief time he ruled. Evidence of this cultural-mixing is still present to this day! After his death, the kingdoms and territories he conquered slowly dissolved to the point of becoming independent of the generals that ruled over them. 

Final answer:

Alexander the Great conquered many territories during his reign, including the large Persian Empire, Syria, Egypt, Mesopotamia, Bactria, and parts of northwest India. His empire started by conquering Persia's lands which led to the imposition of Macedonian rule. His rule was so extensive that it earned him the title of 'Alexander the Great'.


Alexander the Great, a renowned military tactician and strategist, conquered numerous territories during his lifetime. He ascended to the throne of Macedonia in 336 BC and his empire expanded to include numerous regions. Primarily among them were the Persian Empire, Syria, Egypt, Mesopotamia, Bactria, and parts of northwest India.

Alexander's military campaigns started in 334 BC when he moved eastwards into Asia Minor, which was then a part of the Persian Empire. His forces defeated the Persians in several key battles, resulting in the imposition of Macedonian rule over these lands. Subsequently, Egypt fell to Alexander, which he himself founded the city of Alexandria in 331 BC. He then moved east into Mesopotamia and defeated Darius III, thereafter formally declaring himself the king of the Persian Empire.

Continuing his campaigns, Alexander's army reached as far east as India, where he conquered parts of the northwest region but had to turn back due to the exhaustion of his troops. The territories he conquered were significantly large and varied, earning him the title of Alexander the Great.

Learn more about Alexander the Great's conquests here:


List two of the tangible and/or intangible ways in which state governments improve society


Two tangible ways in which state governments improve society would be through the construction of public facilities like libraries and roads, and an intangible example would be through welfare programs. 
Law and order are two intangible ways in which state governments improve society.
Tangible within the 'safety' of a law enforcement agency we will see, feel and act with. Intangible within the law itself that provides associate degree 'invisible' protection. 

The Economy. Tangible within the quality of life we have a tendency to relish e.g. product and repair obtainable to the United States and assistance available ought to we'd like it. Intangible thanks to the laws and workings of economic science that the typical man doesn't see or can't management, however, effects the tangible.

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The answer is Telecommunications 

the answer is telecommunications i just toke the test

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Mountains significantly influenced life in Italy. They provided natural barriers, fostering regional diversity and unique cultures.

Isolated communities emerged, impacting language and traditions. Mountains also influenced agriculture, with terraced farming maximizing limited arable land. Natural resources, such as minerals, timber, and water, played a crucial role in Italy's development.

However, travel and communication were challenging, hindering unity and political stability. On the positive side, mountainous landscapes attracted tourists and contributed to Italy's economy.

The Apennines and the Alps shaped Italy's history, culture, and socioeconomic aspects, making them an integral part of the nation's identity and lifestyle.

Learn more about  Italy here


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Explanation: Can I get the brainiest, please?

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