Effects of the WWII in East Asia and South Asia?


Answer 1
Answer: For east asia, Japan can no longer be an aggressor of war. And there government made a new constitution. After world war 2 Japan was the fastest growing economy in the world. And japan had free capitalism.

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Muhammad created the first Muslim community.

Muhammad received his first message from God while mediating in a cave.

Muhammad moved from  Mecca to  Medina with his followers.

Abu Bakr became the leader of Lslam  the leader of  Islam after Muhammad.


Describe how federalism, separation of powers, checks and balances, and limited government are related.


The concepts of federalism and separation of powers are distinct but related principles of political organization that are deeply imbedded in American governmental theory and experience. They are often confused. This confusion arises because both concepts involve separating or dividing governmental powers among distinct political organs in order to make government responsive to people's needs and to keep government from becoming tyrannical. 

Final answer:

Federalism, separation of powers, checks and balances, and limited government are facets of the U.S. Constitution designed to distribute power and prevent its abuse. These concepts work together to ensure a balanced and limited government, thereby protecting the principles of democracy.


Federalism, separation of powers, checks and balances, and limited government are interconnected concepts within the U.S. constitutional system. Federalism involves the division of powers between the national and state governments. Separation of powers ensures that the powers are divided among the three branches of government: executive, legislative and judiciary, which brings in the concept of checks and balances. The idea behind checks and balances allows each branch to limit the powers of the other branches to prevent domination by any single branch.

Limited government, on the other hand, ensures that the government operates within established constraints to protect individual rights. The mechanisms of checks and balances and the separation of powers contribute to this limitation on power by distributing it among different institutions with shared responsibilities.

All these systems work together to assure a smooth functioning of democracy by effectively distributing the power and preventing it from getting concentrated in one hand, which in turn, sustains the principles of democracy.

Learn more about U.S. Constitutional System here:



So that, thus it is that natural men are held in the hand of God, over the pit of hell...; and God is dreadfully provoked, his anger is as great towards them as to those that are actually suffering the executions of the fierceness of his wrath in hell, and they have done nothing in the least to appease or abate that anger, neither is God in the least bound by any promise to hold them up one moment; the devil is waiting for them, hell is gaping for them, the flames gather and flash about them, and would fain lay hold on them, and swallow them up... Jonathan Edwards, Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God, 1741

This primary document offers information about which aspect of Colonial culture?
A. Manifest Destiny
B. the Great Awakening
C. the Anti-slavery movement
D. the Independence movement





Which of these statements correctly expresses a similarity between ancient India and ancient China? A. Both developed democratic governments.
B. Both followed the same state religion.
C. Both had complex social hierarchies.
D. Both offered their people social mobility.


The correct answer is C. Both had complex social hierarchies. For example, in India, this took form of the caste system.

They did not follow the same religion: India was Hindu and partially Muslim and China followed the teachings of Confucius (and those teachings included obeying the social structure). 


C is correct


Which of the following describes the US trade policy in the 1930s? A: Support efforts to expand trade with Asian markets. B: Open industrial and agricultural markets to free trade with other nations. C: Increase trade with other industrialized countries by lowering import taxes on all products. D :Increase the price of farm products and industrial goods by increasing the taxes on imports.


The United States trade policy in the 1930's is best described as having an increase of trade with other industrialized countries and by lowering import taxes on all products.

Answer: D: Increase the price of farm products and industrial goods by increasing the taxes on imports.


Which is a true statement about the Freedom Summer campaign? A. It was widely embraced by whites and African Americans. B. It was met with violence by white protesters. C. It led to the ratification of the Fifteenth Amendment. D. It led to the integration of public facilities.


The correct answer is B. it was met with violence by white protesters. Freedom Summer campaign has to do with the attempt to register many African Americans so that they could vote in Mississippi. However, white people weren't really happy about that because they didn't want to change anything in their state, which is why they organized many violent riots to oppose this campaign.

The statement about the Freedom Summercampaign that is true is that B. It was met with violence by white protesters.

What happened during the Freedom Summer campaign of 1964?

Freedom Summer campaign serves as the campaign of Mississippi Summer Project where there was a goal of increasing the number of registered Black voters in Mississippi.

It should be noted that the campaign is violence by white protesters.

Learn more about campaign at;
