What was the main purpose of the NAACP


Answer 1
Answer: The main purpose of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is to make sure that the rights of colored people will be provided - whether it's educational, economic, political and social. This is all for the sake eliminating racial discrimination.
Answer 2


A. To use The court system to fight discrimination

C. To end lynching and other acts of violence against African-American

D. To abolish segregation

Explanation: Edgenuity test

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The first steel mill in the United States was set up in Northeast states of Pennsylvania, New York and Ohio as there were closer to coal mines.  

Further Explanation:

Wood charcoal was available throughout eastern states of the US and iron smelters were present closer to the iron ore. During the colonial era, Big iron ores were present in these areas but as time went by, their deposits decreased and eventually vanished. The majority of the Iron ore smelters before the period of 1850 took place near Pennsylvania, Ohio and New York. New Jersey was among the major iron ore district whereas Pennsylvania was rich in deposits of anthracite coal. In the year 1840, George W. Scranton and Seldon T. Scranton moved to Pennsylvania and established an iron forge. Big iron Ore deposits were made around lake superior that was located very far from these coal deposits. These iron ore deposits were transferred to the ports which were present at the Southern great lakes and were more closer to the coal mines of Pennsylvania, Ohio and Illinois.

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Answer Details:

Grade: High School

Chapter: Steel Mills

Subject: History


Steel Mills, Pennsylvania, United States, Illinois, New York, Ohio, New Jersey, Iron Ore, Steel, Anthracite coal

Which power does the federal government share with state governments?


Xd Collect taxes Build roads Borrow money Establish courts Make and enforce laws Charter banks and corporations Spend money for the general welfare Take private property for public purposes, with just compensation

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The two Supreme Court cases, Plessy v. Ferguson and Brown v. Board of Education, addressed which of these issues?A.
freedom of speech under the 1st Amendment

equal protection under the 14th Amendment

due process under the 5th Amendment

probable cause under the 4th Amendment


Correct answer:

B. equal protection under the 14th Amendment

Historical background/details:

In the decades after the Civil War, states in the South began to pass laws that sought to keep white and black society separate.  In the 1880s, a number of  state legislatures began to pass laws requiring railroads to provide separate cars for passengers who were black.  At the heart of the case that became Plessy v. Ferguson was an 1890 law passed in Louisiana in 1890 that required railroads to provide "separate railway carriages for the white and colored races.”

In 1892, Homer Plessy, who was 1/8 black, bought a first class train railroad ticket, took a seat in the whites only section, and then informed the conductor that he was part black.  He was removed from the train and jailed.  He argued for his civil rights before Judge John Howard Ferguson and was found guilty.  His case went all the way to the Supreme Court which at that time upheld the idea of "separate but equal" facilities.

Several decades later, the 1896 Plessy v. Ferguson decision was overturned.  Brown v. Board of Education, decided by the US Supreme Court in 1954, extended civil liberties to all Americans in regard to access to education. The "separate but equal" principle of Plessy v. Ferguson had been applied to education as it had been to transportation. In Topeka, Kansas, Oliver Brown filed a lawsuit after the public school district refused to enroll his daughter in the school closest to their home, making her instead take a bus to a blacks-only school.  Other families joined the Brown family lawsuit.  When it went to the level of the Supreme Court, there were other cases from other parts of the country that the Supreme Court combined with it.  The full name of the case at the Supreme Court level was Oliver Brown, et al. v. Board of Education of Topeka, et al.  The arguments were heard before the Supreme Court in 1952 and 1953, and the Brown v. Board of Education decision was issued  in 1954.   The standard of "separate but equal" was challenged and defeated. Segregation was shown to create inequality, and the Supreme Court unanimously ruled segregation to be unconstitutional.

The 14th Amendment was being violated by states whose laws supported the segregation of schools.  Section 1 of the 14th Amendment reads as follows:

  • All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
Its B. Both of the cases concerned the rights of african americans to go to the same schools a white americans. Plessy vs Ferguson established seperate but equal and Brown vs BoE declared seperate but equal as unconstitutional.

Which group used patriotism to overcome racism and bigotry? a.League of United Latin American Citizens
b.National Urban League
c.National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
d.National Woman’s Suffrage Association


It is (A) League of United Latin American Citizens


I agree with (A) League of United Latin American Citizens


Which Enlightenment concept does this chart illustrate?


Enlightenmeant focused on reason. 

The Age of Enlightenment or also called, Age of Reason or Enlightenment that began around 1620s to about 1780s. In this era of enlightenment, the people used reason, logic and individualism to reform the societal foundations and government. Many things happened during the enlightenment period but the choice is the best according to the responder than the rest of the given. This occurence involved and included the people, philosophers, government officials setting towards a more foundation analysis based on thought and intention rather than plain order and traditional authority.