A galaxy that has an unidentified shape is best classified as a(n)


Answer 1

Irregular galaxy

A galaxy that has an unidentified shape is best classified as an irregular galaxy.

An irregular galaxy is a galaxy that has an undefined regular shape. These galaxies are composed of large amounts of young stars, gas, and dust. Irregular galaxies are usually small, disorderly in appearance, and without a nuclear bulge or any trace of spiral arm shape. Examples of irregular galaxies are the small and large magellanic clouds.

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Acid loving Bacterium are found in the human stomach.
Enzymes - particularly proteases. These break down protein in the stomach in the presence of low pH (acidic material eg stomach acid).
In addition to this, there are many bad bacteria that cause illnesses such as E. Coli or Helicobacter Pylori 

Why is it necessary to use the same restriction enzyme to cut 2 pieces of DNA that are to be joined together?


The reason why is necessary to use the same restriction enzyme is because
if we don't, the two pieces of DNA that we are trying to joint won't have matching ends and won't join properly.

To insert that gene we first cut him out from a DNA sequence(sequence 1), so To do that we use a restriction enzyme.

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Secretion of cholecystokinin from the intestinal wall is stimulated by



The correct answer is: fat in the small intestine.


Cholecystokinin, abbreviated to CCK, is a hormone produced in the small intestine that participates in digestion. Its secretion is stimulated by fatty acids in the small intestine (more specifically, in the duodenum) and by the introduction of hydrochloric acid.

Cholecystokinin has the functions to 1) contract the gallbladder so it releases the stored bile into the intestine, and 2) stimulate the secretion of pancreatic juice, which induces satiety.

Final answer:

Cholecystokinin's secretion is primarily triggered by fatty acids and specific amino acids in the small intestine, aiding in their digestion through the release of bile from the gallbladder and enzymes from the pancreas.


The secretion of cholecystokinin from the intestinal wall is mainly stimulated by the presence of fatty acids and certain amino acids in the small intestine's duodenum. Cholecystokinin is a vital hormone that aids in digestion. When fatty acids or certain specific amino acids, such as phenylalanine or tryptophan, enter the duodenum, they trigger the release of this hormone. This hormone then assists in the digestion of these substances by stimulating the gallbladder to release bile and the pancreas to release pancreatic enzymes.

Learn more about cholecystokinin here:



if the united states continues using petroleum in vast amounts, it will become even more dependent on foreign sources for this resource. why?


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Describe nondisjunction and the effect it can have on a human


Nondisjunction is the improper segregation of chromosomes during either meiotic or mitotic cell division.

The result of nondisjunction is dosage imbalance - either one extra or one missing chromosome for some proportion of the resulting cells.


It is the failure of homologous chromosomes to separate properly during gamete formation (meiosis). Klinefelter syndrome can occur and is seen as males with gametes XXY instead of XY. It affects sex organs, including creating smaller testes and causing sterility. Males can be taller in stature with normal intelligence.


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start with unused fresh out of the pack batteries


