Most oceanic gas hydrates are created when _____ breaks down organic matter trapped in ocean-floor sediments


Answer 1

Most oceanic gas hydrates are created when bacteria breaks down organic matter trapped in ocean-floor sediments  

I hope that's help !

Answer 2

Most oceanic gas hydrates are created when bacteria breaks down organic matter trapped in ocean-floor sediments.

i knew this without looking at the answer

i hope i helped though

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The correct answer is 1. Ribosomes. Ribosomes translate the codes andsynthesize proteins. Chloroplasts are connected to photosynthesis inplants because they contain chlorophyll, while mitochondria is thepowerhouse of the cell. Vacuoles are something like storage houses fornutrients and waste in a plant for excess food, as well as protectingthe plant from waste.

…Unless actions are taken to slow the decline of domesticated honeybees and augment[increase] their populations with wild bees, many fruits and vegetables may disappear from
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(1) the use of pesticides (3) the use of fertilizers
(2) a decrease in prey (4) a decrease in fruits and vegetables


The decrease in the honeybee population is partly due to the use of pesticides according to this article, although it should be noted that there are other factors as well. 

I would also have to say: 1) the use of pesticides

I did a powerpoint presentation on the decrease of honeybees for biology in college. I cannot find the presentation I did however, I do remember some of the points I made.

Varroa Mites aka Varroa destructors (parasite) are also contributing to the honey bee population decreasing. They latch onto the honeybees and feed off of them. They also feed off of the larva's (baby version of a honeybee).  

Another issue could be that GMOs. Plants DNAs have been altered so that they can fight disease  and kill unwanted bugs.

Another issue is population ecology, which deals with density independent and dependent factors. Density-independent, deals with habitat destruction by natural disasters or humans.  Dependent factors- overcrowding of an area.

Hopefully this helped and good luck.

Which reaction occurs most rapidly at standard conditions?H2(g) + I2(s) 2HI(g)
Cu(s) + S(s) CuS(s)
C6H12O6(s) + 6O2(g) 6CO2(g) + 6H2O(g)
5C2O42-(aq) + 2MnO4-(aq) + 16H+(aq) 10CO2(g) + 2Mn2+(aq) + 2H2O(l)
Ag+(aq) + I-(aq) AgI2(s)


 I don't know of any way to determine the relative rates of reactions other than pretty much just guessing. Even with guessing, I can't decide between the last two. Both occur in solution and (if I recall correctly) both occur quite rapidly. I would guess that the last one, just a simple precipitation, would probably be the fastest. 

(NOTE: You have the wrong equation on the last one. It should be Ag+(aq) + I-(aq) --> AgI(s) There is no subscript on the iodide ion in AgI.)

Which process breaks down sugars to make atp when oxygen is present


I'd check this answer but it's between Cellular Respiration and Aerobic Respiration.

Final answer:

Aerobic respiration is the process that breaks down sugars to make ATP when oxygen is present. It occurs in the mitochondria and provides most of the ATP needed for resting or moderately active muscles.


Aerobic respiration is the process that breaks down sugars to make ATP when oxygen is present. This process occurs in the mitochondria and is responsible for approximately 95% of the ATP required for resting or moderately active muscles. Glycolysis is another process that can generate ATP, but it is an anaerobic process that does not require oxygen.

Learn more about Aerobic respiration here:
