There are _________ types of roles in group work.


Answer 1
Answer: There are 3 types of roles in group work. These types are; Task role, maintenance role, and hindering role. The task role is for the initiation, clarifying, and summarization of the work. The maintenance role serves as the encouragement and setting the standards for the team and the work. The hindering role refers to the action of the individuals of the team to hinder the process of finishing the project. 
Answer 2


C. 3


The person above me is correct I am just putting it in a shorter version

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b. False





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Your well wisher:-)


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Hope this help :)

What device does Dryden use when he says, "He invades authors like a monarch"?a. logic
b. simile
c. metaphor
d. symbolism


Answer: Simile

Explanation: Simile refers to a figure of speech which involves comparing two separate entities. It makes a description more actual and shows resemblance between the two entities. It is established by the use of ‘As’ or ‘Like’.

Simile. Similes use like or as

Winston Churchill made the speech in the passage to the House of Commons (the elected wing of the British parliament) shortly after he took office in 1940, during World War II. Which audience does the passage most likely target? A. Citizens of great Britain B. Churchill's political opponents
C. members of the previous government
D. leaders of countries fighting against Britain


The speech titled We Shall Fight on the Beaches is addressed to the people of Great Britain. In this speech, Churchill describes great military disaster and possible Nazi invasion. Despite difficulties, he was cheerful and hailed the nation towards the victory in the end.

"Citizens of great Britain" is the audience among the choices given in the question that the passage most likely target. The correct option among all the options that are given in the question is the first option or option "A". I hope that this is the answer that has actually come to your desired help.