What is the ocean bottom like along the coastline?


Answer 1

high tides extends far inland from the shore, across lowlands called coastal plains, and far seaward to the water depth where ocean waves do not reach the seafloor.

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Sources of electricity were fossil fuels 67%, renewable energy 16% (mainly hydroelectric, wind, solar and biomass), and nuclear power 13%, and other sources were 3%. 

Matter is found throughout the universe. Is the food we eat considered matter





matter is anything that has mass and occupies space so food we eat has mass and it also occupies space somehow

yes food is matter because it takes up space and has volume

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B i would say it because its a sperm and a egg 




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I remember the secondary structure by visualizing it. Understand that primary structure is just the order of the amino acids. The tertiary structure is the 3dimensional configuration of the whole protein molecule with multiple interactions guiding its fold (disulfide bonds, ionic interactions, hydrogen bonds, van der walls). Secondary structure is a step towards the conformation of the protein where it is made up of either alpha-helices or beta-pleated sheets. The alpha helices look like a spiraling staircase while the beta-pleated sheets look like a repetition of long loops. These two structures hold itself by hydrogen bonds.

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Cementation  (The particles are combined/sticking together)