What countries share a region of glaciers in South America?


Answer 1
Answer: chile and argentina share a region of glaciers in south america

Answer 2
Answer: Argentina, Chile, Bolivia and Peru are the countries that I know of their might be a few more as well. I hope this answers your question. 

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PD- Losiento si tengo la respuesta incorrecta.

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Answer: The physical condition is made up of endurance, speed, flexibility and strength.


Physical condition can be :

  • General: Is the one that has any healthy organism in his daily life.
  • Special: It is when we practice some sport for the activation of the various systems of the organism.

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Esta hablando espanol
Hace dos anos que habla espanol
Hace dos anos que hablo espanol
Acaba de hablar espanol


22. Right answer:

Estoy comiendo

To tell someone you are doing something right now, you must use the present progressive. We form this tense with the verb estar and a present participle. The present participle is formed with the ndo ending. From the list, the only option that meets this requirement is estoy comiendo that means I'm eating.

23. Right answer:

Acaba de hablar español

The sentence acaba de hablar español translates into she has just spoken Spanish and and tells us the last time Patricia Spoke Spanish. The combined phrase acaba de is common in Spanish for this purpose and after the word de always comes an infinitive verb, the most basic form of Spanish verbs.

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1. al hospital 2. embarazada 3. fiebre 4. inyeccion 5. duelle 6. inferma 7. receta 8. rayos x 9. resultos


Which command form best completes this sentence?Guillermo: Usted es un excelente cocinero. ¡_______ la torta de chocolate, por favor!









Answer: Haga


Because spanish