can I have tips on how to write a book report and tips on how to write a book report on based on the invention of wings please


Answer 1
Answer: You should summarize the most important parts of the book like theme, symbols, and anything else that is a main contribution to the plot. Also, write about your interpretation of the book and what it's message meant in your mind.

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Please give examples of 1st 2nd and 3rd person narrative.


The best way to remember these is to associate 1st person with "I", 2nd with "you" and 3rd with "he, she, or it". So a story along the lines of "I went to the store" is using 1st person narrative, etc.  

1st person: I put the kettle on.

2nd: You put the kettle on

3rd: She put the kettle on

1st person is when it is from you. 2nd is when it is directed at people or someone, kind of like cookbook instructions, 3rd person is observing a person or thing.

What is an example of an ambitious project


An ambitious project would be something that is hard to achieve or complete. One example might be like trying to complete a project a week before its do, a project you were assigned a month ago. That would be ambitious, difficult, hard, but not impossible. 

An ambitious project is the one in which there are high expectations to fulfill; therefore, there can be many obstacles during the development of the project. An example of an ambitious project can be to build a free shelter for homeless people in every city of the United States only by asking the citizens to provide a voluntary fee. It may be difficult and ambitious to gather all the money needed to launch the project, but it is not impossible.

How does the reader know that this passage is written in the third-personlimited point of view?
At the school dance, Bea quickly glanced across the room
at Mario, wondering if he was ever going to ask her to
dance. Mario saw her look at him and then quickly left the
gym as Bea stared after him in confusion.
A. The focus of the narration is on one character's thoughts and
feelings that are told from an outside perspective.
B. The focus of the narration is on all the characters equally, allowing
the reader complete insight into their thoughts.
C. The focus of the narration is on the reader as a character, which
draws the reader into the action. b


The focus of the narration is on one character's thoughts and feelings that are told from an outside perspective. This is how the reader know that this passage is written in the third-person limited point of view.

What is Perspective?

Perspective is a certain attitude about or approach to something.

For example: Farmer's thought about a lack of rain.

What is the another name for perspective?

Point of view is the another name for perspective.

Hence, the correct answer is Option A

Learn more about Perspective on


Montiagnes statement can best be paraphrased as



Humans should stop trying to control animals because they always destroy them.

The nest of birds and the webs of spiders are imperfect, but lovely.

Nature creates more superior things than human ability can.

Those things that nature creates are always useful, especially birds' nests and spider webs.

Nature creates more superior things than human ability can.


Final answer:

Montaigne's statement, paraphrased, supports understanding contrary viewpoints to construct a more persuasive argument. This is depicted in Issa's scenario, where he researches arguments against opening more trails for mountain bikers to create a stronger, more balanced case.


Paraphrasing Montaigne's statement in this context, it can be said that Montaigne's statement underscores the necessity of understanding opposing viewpoints in any debate or argument. In Issa's example, he takes his initial stance in favor of opening more wilderness for mountain bikers. However, in order to craft a more well-rounded argument or viewpoint, he seeks out and understands the arguments of the opposition before writing his final draft. This approach mirrors the concept Montaigne is advocating: the idea of acknowledging and understanding the counter arguments in order to strengthen your own position. Hence, Montaigne's statement can best be paraphrased as: 'One should understand the arguments against their position to provide a more compelling argument.'

Learn more about Paraphrasing Montaigne's statement here:


what does Clinton mean with the simile comparing good people to a dogwood tree with “deep,enduring roots” ?



Good people are like dogwood trees with deep, enduring roots. Because good people don't just show up over night, it's all based on how they were raise and what kind of behaviors they were exposed to growing up. Therefore, the roots of them being good people must be deep and enduring just like the roots of dogwood tress. And that is because it wasn't just their parents who had to expose them to good behaviors, but also other family members. Mainly though because everyone before them had to be raised something like that in order to keep on passing it down. And that is what makes it able to be compared to the deep,enduring roots of a dogwood tree.


Check them please ☺️


Yup, they're all correct ;)
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