Which Reconstruction plan called for harsh punishments for the former rebellious states and emphasized civil and voting rights for freedmen following the Civil War?A) the Square Deal
B) Lincoln's 10% Plan
C) the Louisiana Plan
D) the Radical Republican Plan


Answer 1
Answer: The answer is D. I had this question on a USATestPrep and it said it was right.
Answer 2


D) the Radical Republican Plan

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All of the following are delegated powers except D. making marriage laws ' since this would be and implied power due to the fact that it's not essential for the functioning of the U.S. .

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D.making marriage laws


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Growth in a society impacts the government by helping make or remove laws based on the public's opinion.

Responsibilities change as the government changes because there may be new laws.

Society impacts the government by influencing new opinions and decisions made.

A government's job is to create problems.

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the effect was a WAR!!

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The Green House Effect Because it Works Like A GreenHouse, keeping heat in


the greenhouse effect
