What is the Volcanic Intrusion "rule"-


Answer 1
Answer: The volcanic intrusion rule is relative dating 

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There are lots of variables that directly and indirectly contribute to the presence of gas on a surface
if the size of a planet is relatively small it will in turn be that of a smaller area which results in the less area to be covered for gas which basically means higher presence
I can go in depth more but I don't think that would be necessary all you need to know is this ...based on the size and gas will in turn be parallel to it's conformity

sla’s change in velocity is 30 m/s, and Hazel has the same change in velocity. Which best explains why they would have different accelerations?


Because acceleration depends not only on the change in velocity.
It also depends on the time during which the change occurs.
The formula is

Acceleration = (change in velocity) divided by (time for the change) .

Maybe Sla changed his velocity in 3 seconds, but Hazel
took all morning to change hers.  In that case, even though
the amounts of change were equal, the times were different,
so the quotients of (change/time) were different. 

Is movements of ocean currents mainly caused by the moon


Surface currents, are driven primarily by winds. Deep ocean currents are driven by density differences between water locations. The Moon's gravity actually pulls Earth's water towards it. Wherever the moon is, as it orbits the Earth, there is a high tide 'bulge' that stays lined up with the Moon. The side of the Earth that is furthest from the Moon also has a high tide 'bulge'. This is because the Earth is closer to the moon than the water on its far side. The Moon's gravity pulls more on the planet than the water on the opposite side. These two water bulges on opposite sides of the Earth aligned with the Moon are the high tides. The strong gravitational fields of the Moon result in changing gravitational fields causing tides to rise and fall.

Bone-strengthening physical activity done _____ increases bone-mineral content and bone density in youth.



The answer would be three days a week


Bone-strengthening activity is key to ensuring that bones remain healthy to maintain an individual's lifestyle. The physical activity to strengthen bone may be brisk walking, exercises that include weights, or gymnastics to lift a few. The purpose of these activities are to observed to contribute to an increase in the bone mineral density of adolescents and children. Several studies have established that about 150 minutes a week for adults, or 3 days a week (60 minutes a day) for the youth should be devoted to bone strengthening physical activity to ensure good health of the body.

Hope this helps!


three or more days a week


Please really need help with this


The top of the wavelength is called the crest.

-- The arrow in the picture is pointing to a crest of the wave ... one of the peaks.

-- The amplitude of the wave is the vertical distance between one of the crests and the light horizontal line across the middle.

-- The wavelength is the horizontal distance between two crests.

-- Do you know what a 'trough' is ?  Well first of all, when you read the word, it looks like you should pronounce it like "trow", but the correct pronunciation is "trawf".  (Just like when you have something stuck in your throat, and you cough ... you don't "cow", you "cawf".)

In an old cowboy movie, do you remember the big, open water tanks they used to have along the side of the street in front of the saloon, for horses to drink from while they were tied up to the hitchin post ?  THAT tank was called a "watering trough".  The bottom of a wave, where the wave could hold water, is the trough of the wave.  It's an upside-down crest.

Which of the following statements below is correct?A. In the process of cooking a frozen pizza, only chemical changes occur.

B. Both physical and chemical changes occur when you make pizza from scratch.

C. Only chemical changes occur when you cook a frozen pizza and only physical changes occur when you make pizza from scratch.

D. You cause chemical changes in vegetables by cutting them into small pieces


C. is correct. when you make a pizza, you see the the meat or pepperoni or cheese heating up and sometimes melted. (thats physical). on the inside the crust in heated and the toppings are cooked (chemical)

Final answer:

Both physical and chemical changes occur when you make pizza from scratch.


The correct statement from the given options is: Both physical and chemical changes occur when you make pizza from scratch. When you make pizza from scratch, physical changes occur when you mix and shape the ingredients, while chemical changes occur during the process of baking the pizza dough and melting the cheese. These changes involve the breaking and forming of chemical bonds, resulting in the creation of new substances with different properties.

Additionally, cheese undergoes a chemical change as it melts, proteins denature, and Maillard reactions occur, resulting in the development of new flavors and textures.

Thus, making pizza from scratch is a dynamic process that encompasses both physical and chemical changes, highlighting the fascinating chemistry and physics behind this delicious culinary endeavor.

Learn more about Physical and Chemical Changes in Pizza Making here:
