How did “car culture” in the United States affect the new migration of the 1950s?


Answer 1
Answer: The car culture had a big influence on the migration in 1950's. After the war, the country became one of the world's largest manufacturer of automobiles. Every American family wanted a car and with the new highway system, it made things easier for everyone to migrate from North to South and West to East. 
Answer 2

In the 1950s, the emergence of "car culture" in the United States had a significant impact on migration patterns.

The impact of the culture

The availability of automobiles and the development of road infrastructure allowed for suburbanization, as families moved to suburban neighborhoods seeking improved living conditions.

Cars also enabled commuting to work, leading to the growth of commuter towns. The mobility provided by cars made it easier for individuals and families to travel and relocate, leading to increased migration for various reasons.

The construction of the Interstate Highway System further facilitated long-distance travel and encouraged migration.

More on car culture here


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Which of the following events occurred first


Colonial America Time Period - History Timeline - 1607 to 1650Colonial America Time Period - History Timeline 1607-16501606April 10, 1606 King James I of England issued the 1606 First Virginia Charter which created the Virginia Company authorizing eight Englishmen to colonize "that part of America commonly called Virginia". This starts the Colonial America Time Period
1607The first colony was founded at Jamestown, Virginia
1609/10Period in Jamestown Colony history referred to as the Starving Time
1611The rule of Sir Thomas Dale and Good Order in Virginia
 about 30 miles (48 km) from the Jamestown Settlement
1614 Violent confrontation between hundreds of English and Powhatan men on the Pamunkey River, Virginia
1618 The Virginia Company of London ended monopoly on land ownership in America. The Headright System was set up by the London company in 1618 that gave 50 acres of land to colonists who paid their own way to Virginia, or paid the way for someone else
1619 The first meeting of the House of Burgesses was held in Jamestown, Virginia, on July 30, 1619
1620The Mayflower ship transported 102 English Puritans and Separatists, the Pilgrim Fathers, from a site near the Mayflower Steps in Plymouth, England, to Plymouth, Massachusetts, a long journey of 66 days
1620 1620 - The Pilgrims establish their own government, the basis of which was the Mayflower Compact, which they drafted on their journey to the New World on the Mayflower. The Plymouth Colony is established.
1620 Massachusetts Bay Colony. John Mason and Sir Ferdinando Gorges, the "Father of English Colonization in North America" received land in northern New England which became the Massachusetts Bay Colony during the Colonial America Time Period.
1622 1622-1624 The Powhatan Wars, battles and conflicts in Virginia between colonists and American Native Indians
1623 New Netherlands, which became New York, was settled by the Dutch refer to Peter Stuyvesant and Peter Minuit
1624 -1624  Virginia was made a royal colony
1628 Puritans formed the Massachusetts Bay Company and many Puritans continued to settle in the region
1630 In the spring of 1630, John Winthrop led a fleet of 11 vessels and 700 passengers to the Massachusetts Bay Colony. The Great Migration of thousands of English people to the Americas that took place between 1620 and 1640. Many came as Indentured Servants
1634 Maryland was settled - refer to Southern Colonies and George Calvert, Lord Baltimore
1636 Connecticut was initially settled colonists, led by Thomas 
1636 Rhode Island was settled by Roger Williams and Anne Hutchinson
1637 The Pequot War - Native Indians of Connecticut and Rhode Island were defeated by the colonists
1638 Delaware was settled initially by  Minuit.
1640The Quakers, or Society of Friends, was a Protestant sect founded in England whose members believed that salvation was available to all people
1640 1640 - 1701 The Beaver Wars, also known as the Iroquois Wars or the French and Iroquois Wars - see Iroquois Confederacy

1649 The Toleration Act was passed in England allowing all Christians religious freedom.
Colonial America Time Period - History Timeline - Scroll down for the next Timeline Colonial America Time Period - History Timeline - 1607 to 1650
arrival of Europeans  _ colonial period  _ revolutionary war .

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b. to charge high taxes
c. to represent all people
d. to remain loyal to the king of England


Answer: C

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Puerto Rico A
Hope this helped