How are conduction and indoction alike and how are they different


Answer 1

Both conduction and induction involve a movement of electrons. Conduction is the transfer of electrons from a charged object to another object by direct contact. Induction does not involve direct contact. Instead, induction is the movement of electrons from one part of an object to another as a result of the electric field of the second object.  What is the difference between conductive and non-conductive?  Conductive materials are good conductors of heat or electricity. Nonconductive materials are not good conductors of heat or electricity. I hope this helps! :)

Answer 2


Both conduction and induction involve a movement of electrons. Conduction is the transfer of electrons from a charged object to another object by direct contact. Induction does not involve direct contact. Instead, induction is the movement of electrons from one part of an object to another as a result of the electric field of the second object.  What is the difference between conductive and non-conductive?  Conductive materials are good conductors of heat or electricity. Nonconductive materials are not good conductors of heat or electricity.


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What is the primary cause of cancer


Answer:  A carcinogen

Explanation: Cancer is caused by accumulated damage to genes. ... The substances that cause cancer are called carcinogens. A carcinogen may be a chemical substance, such as certain molecules in tobacco smoke. The cause of cancer may be environmental agents, viral or genetic factors.




Marsha is looking at the cross section of a stem under a microscope. Based on the plant tissues seen here, Marsha is MOST LIKELY looking at


Marsha is looking at the cross-section of a stem under a microscope. Based on the plant tissues seen here, Marsha is most likely looking at Meristematic tissue.


  • Meristematic tissue can be seen only through microscopic because it is present at the tip of the root.
  • It is the area where the roots are grown and the dividing cells are produced.
  • Meristematic is a type of plant tissue where the cell division takes place.
  • The other type of plant tissue is the permanent tissue, these are the tissue that can not take place in cell division.

Answer:C- Vascular Plant


Where did the term cell come from


The Origins Of The Word 'Cell' In the 1660s, Robert Hooke looked through a primitive microscope at a thinly cut piece of cork. He saw a series of walled boxes that reminded him of the tiny rooms, or cellula, occupied by monks.  these chambers he used the word 'cell' to describe them, because they reminded him of the bare wall rooms where monks lived.

The origin of the word cell was invented by Robert Hooke in 1660s.

What is one sign that indicates a physical change​



A - matter changes but no other substance is formed.


A physical change is a type of change in which the form of matter is altered but one substance is not transformed into another. Therefore a change of matter is a physical change.


B) a substance chamges color when exposed to air


I took the test

Constructive forces new land
tear down land
are not beneficial
destroy the earth's crust

The Hawaiian Islands were formed by what?

A dome mountain forms when _____.
the earth's crust is folded
blocks of rock crack
crustal plates move away from each other
magma pushes the earth's crust upward


Choose all the answers that apply.

Which of the following landforms are created by erosion?
sand dune

A delta forms when _____.
a volcano erupt underwater
eroded sediment is deposited at a river mouth
ocean waves carry away sand and rock pieces
blocks of broken rock are lifted over one another


What happens at subduction zones?
sediment is deposited by ocean waves
new land is formed from eroded soil
an oceanic plate sinks below a continental plate
two crustal plates move away from one another


Which of the following statements is true?
Mountains form when two continental plates move away from each other.
New oceanic crust is formed by magma filling spaces at mid-ocean ridges.
A loess is an area of nutrient-poor soil caused by erosion.
"Hot spots" are locations where the earth's crust is very thick.




1- Option A

2- Option D

3- Option D

4- Option D

5- Option B

6- Option C

7- Option B


Constructive forces are the forces that add new landmass on earth. They are typically formed by events such as volcanic eruptions, sediment deposition, and distortion in the crust.

The Hawaiian volcanic islands were formed due to the subduction of the Pacific plate under the NorthAmerican plate.

A dome generally forms when the magma rises up towards the surface. This hot magma lifts the land area, and subsequently with time, the magma cools and solidifies before eruption, giving rise to the formation of domes.

Beaches are formed due to the continuous erosion of the coastal rocks by the sea waves. Waves also carry sediments from the oceans to the coastal beach but it mainly erodes the rocks and sediment particles that are present on the beach area.

When sediment particles are carried by the rivers and streams and are deposited at the mouth of the river, then a delta is formed.

When an oceanic plate collides with a continental plate, then the denser oceanic plate gets subducted beneath the continental plate and forms a region of subduction where at great depth partial melting of the subducting plate takes place.

Along the mid-oceanic ridge, new crusts are added because the hot magma comes out to the surface and solidifies. This are rocks that are basaltic in nature.

How are invertebrates better? PLZ help ASAP


Invertebrateany animal that lacks a vertebral column, or backbone, in contrast to the cartilaginous or bony vertebrates. More than 90 percent of all living animal species are invertebrates. Worldwide in distribution, they include animals as diverse as sea stars, sea urchins, earthworms, sponges, jellyfish, lobsters, crabs, insects, spiders, snails, clams, and squid. Invertebrates are especially important as agricultural pests, parasites, or agents for the transmission of parasitic infections to humans and other vertebrates. Invertebrates serve as food for humans and are key elements in food chains that support birds, fish, and many other vertebrate species.Apart from the absence of a vertebral column, invertebrates have little in common. Indeed, they are distributed between more than 35 phyla. In contrast, all vertebrates are contained within a single phylum, the Chordata. (Phylum Chordata also includes the sea squirts and some other invertebrate groups.) Invertebrates are generally soft-bodied animals that lack a rigid internal skeleton for the attachment of muscles but often possess a hard outer skeleton (as in most mollusks, crustaceans, and insects) that serves, as well, for body protection.