In the ninth circle of hell which man is chewed on eternally by lucifer


Answer 1
Answer: The correct answer is Judas, as the man who betrayed Jesus Christ for 30 silver coins. Next to him are Brutus and Cassius, betrayers of Julius Caesar.
Answer 2


Judas Iscariot, the man who betrayed/ sold Jesus to the Sanhedrin.


Dante Alighieri's "Inferno" is part of his "Divine Comedy" which has three parts- Inferno, Purgatory and Paradise. The ninth circle of hell is seen in the "inferno" part of the book.

In the book, Dante was undertaking a spiritual journey when he got lost and was sent Virgil to guide him. Together, they went through the various levels of hell, meeting some people they know and also interacting with the people, sinners who are all deserving of being kept in hell. In the last canto, Canto XXXIV, we see them being in the Ninth circle of Hell where they were greeted by the sight of a monster who was chewing the heads of the 'cheaters' of their benefactors. In the middle was Judas Iscariot, who sold Jesus Christ to the enemies and led to his arrest and crucifixion, while the other two sides contain Brutus and Cassius, the killers and betrayers of Caesar.

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This excerpt from Shakespeare's Twelfth Night reveals about Duke Orsino's moodiness and unstable temperament. We can infer that - basing on the shifts of positive and negative tones of the excerpt - Duke Orsino is a very moody person.


Orsino, the lovesick duke of Illyria, speaks these lines. He introduces the audience to the theme of love as overpowering and fickle. He calls sweet music the "food of love" and wants "an excess of it" so that he can satisfy his appetite for it. However, when the music is no longer sweet, Orsino compares it to the sea. Like the sea, it engulfs everything and debases its value to a "low price." He concludes that love can change from sweet music to an engulfing sea in a matter of one minute. He also suggests that it shifts shape at whim. The fickleness of love reflects Orsino’s own inconstant nature, casting him as self-indulgent and melodramatic. Finally, because Orsino never names the object of his love in these opening lines, the emotional outpouring indicates that Orsino is consumed more by the idea of love than by love for Olivia.


PLATO answer

Selena said she would be waiting out front with the car at 9 p.m. Where could she be? The longer Isabel waited for her friend to pick her up, the more nervous she became. It couldn’t be a worse night to be standing outside alone. A storm was moving in, and the wind was beginning to rustle the trees, making everything seem spookier than it already was. From which point of view is the passage written?a. omniscient
b. third person
c. limited third person
d. first person


The passage is written in the omniscient point of view. 

We know it isn't first person, as the words "I" or "Me" aren't used. In other words, it's not from the point of view of a person. 

It's not third or limited third person, because the passage expresses emotion, this can only be conveyed by an omniscient point of view. 

Omniscient point of view narratives are told in an all-knowing perspective, one that looks over the characters but also knows their emotions and intentions. 

Sentence (i) has been shortened in sentence (ii) by using a(n)? (i) She likes a location that is in the sun (ii)she likes a sunny location. A) connective B) adjective C) prefix D) phrase


The correct answer of this question is option B. Sentence (i) has been shortened in sentence (ii) by using an adjective. The changed part of the first sentence is "location that is in the sun". It was changed into "sunny location" having the word "sunny" as an adjective.

Sentence (i) has been shortened in sentence (ii) by using a(n)? (i) She likes a location that is in the sun (ii)she likes a sunny location. The answer is B. Adjective.

YES OR NO QUESTION, VERY EASY!!does weapons count as technologies too?
i want to say new technologies developed during the civil war.
technologies=weapons ^


Weapons were made ever since humans were made, whether it be rocks, sticks, or bombs. All weapons are types of technology. Therefore, you can say that new technologies developed during the civil war. 

Answer: Yes
Yes weapons were there version of technology