Learning how to identify positive and negative coping strategies, redirecting energy, laughing, and relaxing are important aspects of managing stress.


Answer 1
Answer: That statement is true

Our human brain is not designed to experience prolonged stress. In short term, stress does increase our adrenaline which help us became more alert and focused.

But prolonged exposure to it could cause some health risk such as increased blood pressure.

And by channeling our stress into coping strategies, it help us to manage it and decrease our adrenaline level

Answer 2




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the answer is b! egocentrism

Final answer:

A water and sand table allows children to experiment with the concept of conservation, which is the understanding that the quantity of a substance remains the same even when its form or appearance changes.


A water and sand table is a great way to help children experiment with the concept of conservation. Conservation, in this context, refers to the understanding that the quantity or amount of a substance remains the same even when its form or appearance changes. For example, if a child pours water from a tall, thin cup into a short, wide container, they learn that the amount of water is still the same, even though its shape has changed, demonstrating the concept of conservation.

Similarly, using different containers for sand can help children understand that the amount of sand remains the same, even if the shape or container changes. These activities are a practical and interactive way to develop a child's cognitive skills and understanding of this important principle.

Learn more about Conservation here:



What is the goal of aggression?


The goal why people tend to choose aggression is due to frustration. When a person wants a type of thing to achieve, but is hindered by a certain type of circumstance (such as problems or due to greed), they tend to get aggressive over their actions with a mindset of completing the goal. Despite of the fact that achieving a goal is positive, the act of being aggressive itself is a negative thing.

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Is to be Persistent and exercise self control

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Factitious disorders are a set of conditions that: Group of answer choices fall somewhere between malingering and conversion disorders. are completely under voluntary control like malingering. are a manifestation of physical symptoms mostly due to anxiety Are one form of typical child abuse



Factitious disorders are  a manifestation of physical symptoms mostly due to anxiety .


Final answer:

Factitious disorders are conditions where a person consciously produces or exaggerates symptoms for the purpose of assuming a sick role and receiving medical attention or sympathy. They are different from malingering and conversion disorder. Munchausen Syndrome is a well-known example.


Factitious disorders are a set of mental conditions characterized by a person deliberately and consistently producing, feigning, or exaggerating physical or psychological symptoms. Unlike malingering, the motivation behind factitious disorders isn't to seek external rewards but rather to assume the sick role and get medical attention. Unlike conversion disorders, the symptoms in factitious disorders are consciously controlled, not arising from a subconscious conflict.

A well-known example of a factitious disorder is Munchausen Syndrome, where a person acts as if they have a physical or mental illness when they are not really sick. They might include going as far as to creating symptoms, such as contaminating urine samples or injecting harmful substances to induce illness. Conversely, Munchausen by proxy involves the person causing injury or illness in another person, typically a child, to gain sympathy or attention.

Factitious disorders require appropriate treatment and empathetic care, but they pose diagnostic challenges because patients tend to hide the voluntary nature of their symptoms and might refuse to acknowledge even in the face of overwhelming evidence.

Learn more about Factitious disorders here:



Which of the following is correct regarding the blind spot? A. It's caused by a nontransparent area on the cornea. End of exam B. It's an area of the retina where there are no rods or cones. C. It's an area of the retina where rods and cones are concentrated. D. It's caused by a nontransparent area on the lens


The term blind sport denotes the small gap in the visual field. It  is the location on the retina known as the optic disk where the optic nerve fiber exit the back of the eye. This small gap in the visual field is caused because there are no cones or rods at this point on the retina.  So, the correct answer is B: It's is an area of the retina where there are no rods or cones.

B. area of the retina where there are not rods or cones

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That statement is false

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the answer is false or F