Parents can reduce their taxes by:A. filing a joint return.
B. decreasing the number of exemptions claim.
C. using a child-care tax credit.
D. ignoring the standard deduction Reset Selection
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Answer 1

Parents can reduce their taxes by using a child care tax credit. The government gives parents tax credit for each child that they have. Unlike tax deduction and exemption, tax credit can be able to reduce more in the parents’ tax bill. Tax deduction just tries to lower the taxable income and not a reduction in other areas. 

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d. Idea development


Based on the information provided within the question it seems that Innov Inc. is in the Idea development process of product development. This is the process of coming up with different designs for feasible products that may be profitable and worth while for the company. These ideas then go into the screening process where the best ideas are chosen to be produced.

I hope this answered your question. If you have any more questions feel free to ask away at Brainly.

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This is not enough information to answer this question.