How was power passed down through generations in Mesopotamia?


Answer 1

Answer: passed down in a hierarchical order by kingly dynasties.


Answer 2

Final answer:

In Mesopotamia, power was initially held by religious priests, but over time, it gradually began to be shared with secular governors. This power eventually evolved into a monarchy system where the office of the lugal, or king, was passed down through generations, establishing dynasties. Social class, as reflected in laws such as Hammurabi's Code, also played a significant role in the distribution of power.


In Mesopotamia, power was initially held by religious priests who represented local gods. However, over time, this power began to be shared with secular governors, who maintained law and order, managed the economy, and lead military campaigns.

Eventually, religious and civil power became unified within the office of the lugal. The lugal was a leader who began a practice of establishing dynasties by passing down their power to their sons.

Examples of such dynasties include the Third Dynasty, which was able to control both southern and northern Mesopotamia for a period of time, and the Kassites, who, after conquering Babylon and southern Mesopotamia, established a dynasty that ruled over this territory for nearly five hundred years.

Social class also affected the distribution of power in Mesopotamia. Hammurabi's Code, for instance, identified three classes; the nobility, commoners, and the enslaved, affecting how each class was treated under the law.

In essence, power transfer in Mesopotamia was complex, steeped in a blend of religious, civil and military authority, and significantly influenced by the system of social class.

Learn more about Power Transfer in Mesopotamia here:


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d) the British and French policy of appeasment


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Rome's navy became highly advanced


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The correct answer is A) British soldiers killed five colonists in Massachusetts.

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What happened during the Boston Massacre in 1770 was that British soldiers killed five colonists in Massachusetts.

What started as a street fight between a British soldier and common people in colonial Boston, ended up as a massacre that became one of the reasons that years later caused the Revolutionary War. The incident happened on March 5, 1770, on King Street, Boston. Colonists insulted the British soldier and he responded hurting a colonist. That is when Captain Preston led some English soldiers and opened fire against the colonist.



The Boston Massacre was a street fight that occurred on March 5, 1770, between a "patriot" mob, throwing snowballs, stones, and sticks, and a squad of British soldiers. Several colonists were killed and this led to a campaign by speech-writers to rouse the ire of the citizenry.

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These attempts of the various European colonists to convert native peoples to their belief systems.

Spanish- Forceful, often pressed it upon people they'd conquered.

- Missionaries

French- Jesuits, like Spanish missionaries

Dutch- Had religious diversity, but it doesn't look like they were particularly focused on conversion

English- Puritans also attempted to convert- Aggressive expansion

-Towns for converts.

The Puritans were English Protestants who believed that the Church of England needed to become more Protestant and had not been fully reformed when they sought to purge the Church of England of Roman Catholic practices in the 16th and 17th centuries.

Only a small subset of people, designated as "the elect," according to Puritans, were rescued. The rest of humanity has been condemned to hell for all time. The Puritans lived in a perpetual state of spiritual worry, looking for indications of God's favor or wrath, yet nobody knew if they were saved or doomed.

Learn more about the Puritans here:


Final answer:

European attempts to convert Native Americans varied, with the Spanish enforcing Catholicism through the Encomienda system, which led to resistance like the Pueblo Revolt. The French and Dutch focused more on trade and alliances, showing less aggressive conversion attempts, but all ultimately contributed to significant changes in Indigenous lifestyles.


European colonists' attempts to convert Native peoples to their belief systems varied significantly depending on their origins and intentions. The Spanish colonists, for example, pursued the forceful imposition of Catholicism with the Encomienda system, which often resulted in rebellion and resistance, as evidenced in the Pueblo Revolt of 1680. Meanwhile, the French and Dutch had more modest expectations regarding conversion and instead focused on trade and alliances, leading to somewhat less direct confrontation over religious matters. Nonetheless, all these efforts were part of a larger drive for colonization that ultimately brought devastation through disease and conflict, transforming the Indigenous way of life.

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Buddhists and Jains follow:

- A vegan diet
- Non-violence
- they are non-materialistic people
- they believe in reincarnation
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They both believe that your actions affect your life.