Which word has the most negative connotation


Answer 1

unenjoyment has the most negative connotation

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The purpose of using figurative language, as opposed to literal language, is as follows: the use of figurative speech allows the reader to imagine what the author means when he writes a sentence or a statement. Figurative speech adds strength and depth to an authored work. A good example of figurative speech is the following:

The literal version is: The sun rose at 4:45 am. 

The figurative version could be something along the lines of:
The girl stood and watched as a golden globe rose out of the sea. 

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Reflect and Respond Comparison to Today Consider the barbaric punishment that Hester Prynne faces for her sin. By today’s standards, this punishment seems fairly harsh. However, there are places in this world that still practice much harsher punishments than this. Read the article “Pakistan: Pregnant woman killed by disapproving family, police say” from CNN about honor killings in the Middle East. Do you think the concepts behind both Hester Prynne’s punishment and the concept of honor killings are the same? How are both punishments unfair? Explain in 3–5 sentences.



I wonder if you could disagree. Say the punishment of wearing the scarlet letter is much less barbaric than the stoning that she might have suffered under mosaic law.

Explanation: Adultery destroys the love and trust that form the basis for a happy marriage. It causes the breakdown of families. In previous centuries, stable marriages and families were the basis for communities and civil society. Anyone who caused disruption undermined the common good. The punishment served as a deterrent.

In today's culture of pleasure-seeking and lack of commitment to long-term marriage, it may seem harsh to punish someone for "doing what comes naturally." But look at the consequences. Single parents who can hardly support themselves and their kids. Kids constantly in visitation switches between parents. Unplanned pregnancies and abortions. If adultry were less tolerated, family and community life would be more stable.

Select the correct text in the passage.Which two lines in this excerpt from Guy de Maupassant's short story "The Prisoners" show that the French soldiers are not honorable men?
"Bravo, bravo, Maloison!" they shouted for his encouragement.

He had accomplished about two-thirds of his journey when a long, crimson flame shot forth from the vent-hole. A loud report followed, and the fat baker fell face forward to the ground, uttering a frightful scream. No one went to his assistance. Then he was seen to drag himself, groaning, on all-fours through the snow until he was beyond danger when he fainted.

He was shot in the upper part of the thigh.

After the first surprise and fright were over they laughed at him again. But Monsieur Lavigne appeared on the threshold of the forester's dwelling. He had formed his plan of attack. He called in a loud voice "I want Planchet, the plumber, and his workmen."


Answer:Which two lines in this excerpt from Guy de Maupassant's short story "The Prisoners" show that the French soldiers are not honorable men? "Bravo, Malosion!" they shouted for his encouragement.

He had accomplished about two-thirds of his journey when long, crimson flame shot forth from the vent-hole. A loud report

Explanation:excerpt- part of music

The nosy visitors observed the lions' routine for nearly an hour before moving on. To create a more positive connotation, the author could have replaced the word nosy with which of the following synonyms?A) Curious

B) Intrusive

C) Meddlesome

D) Prying


I think (A) maybe the visistor was curious?
In order to create a more positive connotation the author could've used A: Curious.

Read the excerpt from "Opening Ceremonies of the New York and Brooklyn Bridge" by Hon. Seth Low, Mayor of the City of Brooklyn.Fourteen years ago a city of 400,000 people on this side of the river heard of a projected suspension bridge with incredulity. The span was so long, the height so great, and the enterprise likely to be so costly, that few thought of it as something begun in earnest. The irresistible demands of commerce enforced these hard conditions. But Science said, "It is possible," and Courage said, "It shall be!" To-day a city of 600,000 people welcomes with enthusiasm the wonderful creation of genius. Graceful, and yet majestic, it clings to the land like a thing that has taken root. Beautiful as a vision of fairyland it salutes our sight. The impression it makes upon the visitor is one of astonishment, an astonishment that grows with every visit. No one who has been upon it can ever forget it. This great structure cannot be confined to the limits of local pride. The glory of it belongs to the race. Not one shall see it and not feel prouder to be a man.

Which detail from the excerpt is important to the central idea?

400,000 people . . .
on this side of the river . . .
The span was so long . . .
cannot be confined . . .



cannot be confined.


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