How do i pin a picture


Answer 1
Answer: On what? pinterest or what platform are you on about??
Answer 2
Answer: To pin a post, Below where you awncer there is a pic of a camera there you press it and post away

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That evening Squealer explained privately to the other animals that Napoleon had never in reality been opposed to the windmill. On the contrary, it was he who had advocated it in the beginning, and the plan which Snowball had drawn on the floor of the incubator shed had actually been stolen from among Napoleon's papers. The windmill was, in fact, Napoleon's own creation. Why, then, asked somebody, had he spoken so strongly against it? Here Squealer looked very sly. That, he said, was Comrade Napoleon's cunning. He had seemed to oppose the windmill, simply as a maneuver to get rid of Snowball, who was a dangerous character and a bad influence. Now that Snowball was out of the way, the plan could go forward without his interference. This, said Squealer, was something called tactics. He repeated a number of times, "Tactics, comrades, tactics!" skipping round and whisking his tail with a merry laugh. The animals were not certain what the word meant, but Squealer spoke so persuasively, and the three dogs who happened to be with him growled so threateningly, that they accepted his explanation without further questions. Which figure from Russian history does Napoleon most likely represent



Stalin, who built a dictatorship under the guise of communism.


The character of Napoleon in George Orwell's science fictional novella "Animal Farm" can be historically represented or compared with that of Joseph Stalin. He was a Soviet politician who eventually became a revolutionary and made himself the de facto dictator of the Soviet Union.

Likewise, Napoleon may have acted as if he did not agree with the repair of the windmill but as Squealer said, he only did it to drive away Snowball. Once that was done, he employed the tactic of maintaining and forcibly gaining the authority over the animals, indirectly making himself the dictator of the Animal Farm. Just as Stalin became the dictatorial power over the people of the Soviet Union, Napoleon also gained his dictatorship through the guise of communism.


Stalin, who built a dictatorship under the guise of communism.


The text explains.

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Sorry I read the question wrong...

He shows C hospitality 

What does the answer to the question about how montresor knew about his servants leaving for the night tell you about their relationship


"The answer to the question about how Montresor knew about his servants leaving for the night tell you about their relationship is that they had absolutely no respect for Montresor."

Montresor does not ha-ve a good relation-ship with the people who ta-ke care of him & his home. This re-veals about him th-at he is not really grate-ful, and is mean to his serv-ants. This also may re-veal that he is using reversed phyco-logy beca-use he tells them not to go to the fest-ivals, but since he is mean to th-em, & they do not like him th-ey will probably go any-way.

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that they had little to no respect for Montresor

Which best describes why Regina tells the group, 1 explained to Ben that perhaps you hadert answered his letters because youdidn't think he was offering you enough, and that the time was getting short and you could guess how much he needed you ?
to make Horace feel as though he deserves a portion of the credit
to reassure Ber that she was telling the truth about her motives
to convince Ben that he has been wise to trust what she has said
fo pacity Horace before he gets angry about what she has done


Regina tells to Ben (although signalling Horace) following things to make Horace feel as though he deserves a portion of the credit.


The excerpt is from “The Little Foxes” written by Lillian Hellman. In the above passage, Regina talks to Ben and Horace. Regina indirectly tries to convey Horace while talking to Ben that Horace had not responded to Ben’s letter due to his feeling that Ben was not offering him in adequate proportions.

However, being Horace wife and in need of his money, she made it clear to Ben the importance of Horace and his contribution. Indirectly it was Regina’s attempt at influencing Horace to pour his money in the business and making him feel that he too deserved a portion of the credit.


a. to make Horace feel as though he deserves a portion of the credit

Explanation: Which best describes why Regina tells the group, “I explained to Ben that perhaps you hadn’t answered his letters because you didn’t think he was offering you enough, and that the time was getting short and you could guess how much he needed you—”? To make Horace feel as though he deserves a portion of the credit

You need to write two poems:01) a short poem that has a paradox in it

02) another short poem that has an oxymoron in it.

(Minimum 8 lines each)


01) Bound By Nature:I watched the pregnant night with all its dark secrets unfold in front of my tired eyesAnd the moon full of passion and glory singing  loudly above my mystified headWhile the dancing stars illuminates profoundly around my sleeping bed.The night flying with favor saturated with awe landed upon a steady rockAnd smile gentle at me, as if  I was part of its formidable mystery It took my  powerful hands and travel around the pervasive landThe night full of power and might converse with me until broad day lightWe sat upon mountain tops staring each other in the eyes, night searching nightI just could not resist this enigma everything was engraved in a profound paradox.
02) Love waits patiently:
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sometimes we feel like trees in Autumn

Why were some people critical of Britain’s imperialist practices?


Because colonizing often involved violent conflicts

Answer: A. Because colonizers often mistreated the indigenous peoples.


Alt Apex answer