What is control, constants, independent and dependent variable, experimental and control group?


Answer 1

Final answer:

Control, constants, independent and dependent variable, experimental and control group are important concepts in an experiment.


Control: In an experiment, the control is the group or condition that does not receive any treatment or manipulation. It serves as a baseline for comparison. Constants: Constants are the factors or conditions that remain the same in both the control group and experimental group(s). They are kept constant to ensure that any observed effects are due to the independent variable only.

Independent Variable: The independent variable is the factor or condition that is intentionally changed or manipulated by the researcher in an experiment. It is the cause of the effect being studied. Dependent Variable: The dependent variable is the factor or condition that is measured or observed in response to changes in the independent variable. It is the effect being studied.

Experimental Group: The experimental group is the group or condition in an experiment that receives the treatment or manipulation of the independent variable. The effects on this group are compared to those of the control group. Control Group: The control group is the group or condition in an experiment that does not receive any treatment or manipulation. It is used as a comparison to assess the effects of the independent variable.

Learn more about control group here:



Answer 2

Final answer:

In experimental design, a control is a benchmark group, constants are factors that remain the same, the independent variable is the manipulated factor, the dependent variable changes in response to the independent variable, an experimental group is exposed to the independent variable, and a control group is not.


These terms you've asked about are all key elements in an experimental design in the area of biology or other sciences. The control refers to a group in an experiment that is not exposed to the treatment or variable being tested, serving as a benchmark to measure how the other tested subjects do. Constants are factors in an experiment that remain the same throughout all experimental groups. The independent variable is the factor that the experimenter manipulates or determines, while the dependent variable is what changes in response to the independent variable. An experimental group is exposed to the independent variable and the control group is not. They are compared to determine the effect of the independent variable. For example, if you were testing if sunlight affects plant growth, the amount of sunlight would be the independent variable, the plant growth would be the dependent variable, the group of plants exposed to sunlight would be the experimental group, the group of plants not exposed to sunlight would be the control group and constants would possibly include the type of plant and watering schedule.

Learn more about Experimental Design here:



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