5.0 Points The blue color of the sky is the result ofa. conduction.
b. scattering.
c. reflection.
d. absorption.


Answer 1

The blue color of the sky is the result of scattering. The answer is letter B. it is specifically called the Rayleigh scattering. This blue color is the result of the incoming rays of the Sun into the earth’s atmosphere. It has he lowest wavelength which as we all see is the blue spectrum of light.

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What is the formula for finding your maximum heart rate


According to the American Heart Association, the broad,
approximate guideline for your MAXIMUM heart rate is:

                 --  take 220
                 --  subtract your age
                     The unit is "beats per minute".

But there are many things that have an effect on this number.
A few of them are: 
-- your age
-- your weight
-- any medicines you're taking
-- HOW you measure your heart rate.

If you're planning any REGULAR activity that will play with
your heart rate, you really ought to discuss it with your doctor
before you jump in.

What is the namefor the ratio of the
voltage applied to
a circuit and the
current in a circuit?



The relationship between voltage and current is called resistance. The relationship between all 3 is called Ohm's Law.

General Formulas and Concepts:

Ohm's Law: V = IR

  • V is voltage/EMF
  • I is current
  • R is resistance


Ohm's Law is the fundamental basic for an ohmic surface. All circuits follow Ohm's Law if it is ohmic and assuming all other things constant. It tells the importance of the relationship between voltage, current, and resistance in a given current of a battery, wire, and resistor.

It is wise that you memorize this and understand the relationship between all 3.


Learn more about EMAG: brainly.com/question/27293828


Topic: AP Physics C - Electricity and Magnetism

Unit: Circuits

Why does the number 54,289.00 have seven significant figures and not five


the 2 spots after the decimal still counts toward the total  the figures 

thought it was 5 at first too. the 00 past the decimal at significant because it's expressing it is exactly to that point. sort of confusing.
say you measured a pencil with a ruler, and say it was 5" long roughly. you can only scientifically put down that the pencil is 5 inches not 5.0000 because your ruler doesn't go that many decimal places. when something is absolute is the only time you can add .0000000000000000000000 to it and it still be correct. an example of something that is absolute is like you have 10 fingers, 10 is absolute because it's exact 10.0000000000000000=10 fingers it's not any more and not any less.
Those two zeros are included after the decimal so they aqre significant. The rule is all final zeros after the decimal are significant
Since there is a decimal point present, start with the leftmost nonzero didgit. Count that digit and every other digit to the right of it.

When this current is closed which way does the current flow


Well, Godess, that's not a simple question, and it doesn't have
a simple answer.

When the switch is closed . . .

"Conventional current" flows out of the ' + ' of the battery, through R₁ ,
then through R₂ , then through R₃ .  It piles up on the right-hand side of
the capacitor (C).  It repels the ' + ' charges on the left side of 'C', and
those flow into the ' - ' side of the battery.  So the flow of current through
this series circuit is completely clockwise, around toward the right. 

That's the way the first experimenters pictured it, that's the way we still
handle it on paper, and that's the way our ammeters display it.

BUT . . .

About 100 years after we thought that we completely understand electricity,
we discovered that the little tiny things that really move through a wire, and
really carry the electric charge, are the electrons, and they carry NEGATIVE
charge.  This turned our whole picture upside down.

But we never changed the picture !  We still do all of our work in terms of
'conventional current'.  But the PHYSICAL current ... the actual motion of
charge in the wire ... is all exactly the other way around.

In your drawing ... When the switch is closed, electrons flow out of the 
' - ' terminal on the bottom of the battery, and pile up on the left plate of
the 'C'.  They repel electrons off of the right-side of 'C', and those then
flow through R₃ , then through R₂ , then through R₁ , and finally into the
' + ' terminal on top of the battery.

Those are the directions of 'conventional' current and 'physical' current
in all circuits.

In the circuit of YOUR picture that you attached, there's more to the story:

Battery current can't flow through a capacitor.  Current flows only until
charges are piled up on the two sides of 'C' facing each other, and then
it stops.

Wait a few seconds after you close the switch in the picture, and there is
no longer any current in the loop.

To be very specific and technical about it . . .

-- The instant you close the switch, the current is

       (battery voltage) / (R₁ + R₂ + R₃)        amperes

but it immediately starts to decrease.

--  Every  (C)/((R₁ + R₂ + R₃)  seconds after that, the current is

                  e⁻¹  =  about  36.8 %

less than it was that same amount of time ago.

Now, are you glad you asked ?

What is the focal length of a lens?A.
the distance between the object and the image
distance between the object and the center of the lens
the distance between the center of the lens and the image
the distance between the focal point and the center of the lens


Answer is D.the distance between the focal point and the center of the lens.


it is B i took the test and got it wrong when someone said it was A


it is the one that says the sizing of the objects will appear unusual

How do you do this problem? I started it but I’m not sure how to do the rest.





You correctly found the acceleration and the net force in the x direction.  Now write the net force as the sum of the x components of the individual forces.

∑F = F₁ + F₂ cos θ

3.6 = 2.8 + 9.0 cos θ

0.8 = 9.0 cos θ

0.0889 = cos θ

θ = ±84.9°

F₂ is either 84.9° above the x-axis or below the x-axis.