Which best describes the order of actions by RNA polymerase?a. Makes mRNA from DNA, detaches, binds to DNA
b. Makes mRNA from DNA, binds to DNA, detaches
c. Binds to DNA, detaches, makes mRNA from DNA
d. Binds to DNA, makes mRNA from DNA, detaches


Answer 1
Answer: The answer is d. Binds to DNA, makes mRNA from DNA, detaches.

RNA polymerase is an enzyme involved in transcription, a process of copying DNA into messenger RNA (mRNA). In the transcription, RNA polymerase first binds to DNA separating its two strands. Then, it adds ribonucleotides to the complementary nucleotides on DNA strand and, thus, it makes mRNA from DNA. After mRNA is synthesized, RNA polymerase detaches from DNA, freeing the new mRNA. 
Answer 2


D. Binds to DNA, makes mRNA from DNA, detaches.


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d. can undergo lysogeny.


Virus can use two reproduction cycle that is a lytic and lysogenic cycle. In the lytic cycle viral genome in the host cell produce new capsid protein by using host molecular machinery which results in making several new phase particles that lyse the host cell and come out.

In the lysogenic cycle, the virus does not lyse the cell but it goes into the latent phase by incorporating its genome into the host genome. The virus genome replicates with the host genome lysogenic cycle. So the phage which undergo lysogeny is called temperate phage. So the correct answer is d.

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I would say 4 because genetic drift could cause this if the population is small

Which of these is not a component of saliva?A. lysozyme
B. a cyanide compound
C. defensins
D. nitric oxide


Option (D.) Nitric oxide is not a component of saliva.

Components of human saliva -

  • Saliva mainly consists of three types - Serous, Mucous and Mixed types which are secreted by different salivary glands.
  • It is composed of water, mucus, proteins, mineral salts and amylase.
  • Saliva consists of lysozyme which participates in the host non-immune defense against bacteria
  • Defensins helps in protecting the mouth oral cavity from viruses which enters through the mouth.
  • Defensins and lysozyme also maintains the steady state equilibrium of the oral cavity environment.
  • The cyanide compound is also present in the saliva which regulates the urea content balance in the mouth.

Thus Option D. nitric oxide can't be present in saliva as all the other component are present in human saliva.

To learn more about human saliva, refer -



The answer is D. nitric oxide.