You can mix picture recoloring and artistic effects to create a unique image. a. True
b. False


Answer 1
Answer: It is true that you can mix picture recoloring and artistic effects to create a unique image. You can do whatever you want with the image you are working on in order to make it unique and just your own. 

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What makes you stand out from rest? what makes yourself special?


Apologize whenever you are wrong or whenever you hurt someone, it makes us to stand out from rest. A person’s perspective is unique in their own way makes special.


Start accepting the positives as well as the negatives about yourself. The confidence you get, when you do the self-analysis is unbeatable.

Whenever you will do something, which is different from the rest. Be ready to hear the hate speech about you.

Do not degrade yourself, just because people talk.

Every single person on this earth craves the appreciation of their work or efforts.

Do not criticize, just uplift them if required.
Action speaks louder than words, talk less do more.

Start apologizing, and earn your respect.

An individual’s personality is something that is molded from the moment they are born right through to the present moment.

A person’s attitude dictates how they perceive life and the actions of the people around them.

Final answer:

Standing out from the rest and being special is about showcasing your individuality, talents, and abilities in a way that distinguishes you from others. Factors that contribute to standing out include personal qualities, achievements, skills, and unique experiences. Being special is also influenced by personal strengths, passions, values, and contributions to the community or society.


Standing out from the rest and being special is a subjective concept that varies from person to person. It is about showcasing your individuality, talents, and abilities in a way that distinguishes you from others. There are several factors that can contribute to standing out and being special:

  1. Personal Qualities: Your personality traits, such as kindness, empathy, resilience, and determination, can make you stand out and be special. These qualities shape your character and how you interact with others.
  2. Achievements: Accomplishments in academics, sports, arts, or any other field can set you apart from others. Your achievements reflect your dedication, hard work, and passion.
  3. Skills: Developing and honing specific skills, such as leadership, communication, problem-solving, or creativity, can make you stand out. These skills demonstrate your abilities and potential.
  4. Unique Experiences: Your life experiences, such as traveling, volunteering, or overcoming challenges, can shape your perspective and make you special. These experiences provide you with valuable insights and knowledge.

Being special is not solely based on external factors, but also on internal factors:

  1. Personal Strengths: Identifying and utilizing your strengths, such as being a good listener, having a strong work ethic, or being adaptable, can make you special. These strengths contribute to your personal growth and success.
  2. Passions: Pursuing your passions and interests can make you stand out. When you are passionate about something, it shows in your enthusiasm and dedication.
  3. Values: Your values and beliefs shape your actions and decisions. Living by your values can make you special as it demonstrates integrity and authenticity.
  4. Contributions: Making positive contributions to your community or society can make you special. Whether it's through volunteering, helping others, or advocating for a cause, your actions can have a meaningful impact.

Remember, what makes you stand out and special is unique to you. Embrace your individuality, celebrate your strengths, and continue to grow and learn.

Learn more about standing out and being special here:


According to Aldous Huxley, which process does the act of seeing NOT involve?A.




Answer: A)perceiving, because, as a blind man, he realized you did not need to perceive to understand the world around you.



B. Projecting


That persons answer is not correct, It is Projecting!

Shaw believed art should have a moral message.
a. True
b. False


A. True
Shaw did believe that all art should have some kind of 'message' but he wouldn't have necessarily called it a 'moral message'

What is the oldest method of printinga. Intaglios printingb. Relief printing c. Etching


Relief printing. in 3000 BC, the Mesopotamian's imprinted clay tablets with round cylinder seals
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