What did Muhammad's first revelation show people how to do?


Answer 1
Answer: Prophet Muhammad's (Peace be upon him) first elevation showed people how to read. The angel, Angel Jebreel (Gabriel), came to him in the cave of Ghara Hira. The first word Angel Jebreel (Gabriel) told the Prophet Muhammad (Paece be upon him) read, in Arabic, which is written like اقرأ.
Answer 2

Final answer:

Muhammad's first revelation, delivered by Angel Gabriel, introduced the concept of monotheism, or belief in one God, in Islam. It did not explicitly show how to do a tangible task, but addressed a profound change in religious ideology.


The first revelation received by Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, is said to have been delivered by the angel Gabriel. This revelation, recorded in the Qur'an, did not specifically show people how to perform tasks or actions, like praying. Instead, the impact of Muhammad's first revelation was more profound. It told Muhammad to read in the name of his Lord who created everything, teaching people about the existence of a single, all-knowing deity, known as Allah in Islam. This revealed the core tenet of Islam, the belief in monotheism, the idea of worshipping one God. It shook the foundations of pagan Arabian society, which was polytheistic.

Learn more about Muhammad's first revelation here:



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a qui esta la respuesta


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The best and most correct answer among the choices provided by the question is the second choice.

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I hope my answer has come to your help. God bless and have a nice day ahead!

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