In his essay, Benjamin Franklin uses the term _____ to show his respect for the diversity among the Native American tribes. They forgot their native language and lacked hunting skills.They knew more languages than the leaders and gained power.They became pacifists and refused to defend their tribe with weapons.They chose to live with colonists and abandoned their tribe.


Answer 1
Answer: different nations is the answer to the question

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The phrase 'the longest river in the world' describes The Nile.

What is the thesis statement of the report "Atlantis Rediscovered"?A-For hundreds of years, people have wondered whether the sunken city of Atlantis was a myth or reality.

b-Over the centuries, theorists have placed the lost city in virtually all parts of the world, even in highly unlikely areas.

c-Since the 1960s, the theory that has received the most attention links the lost city of Atlantis to the real-life ancient Minoan culture on the Aegean islands of Crete and Thera.

d-The thesis statement is unclear


The thesis statement of the report "Atlantis Rediscovered" should be:

c. Since the 1960s, the theory that has received the most attention links the lost city of Atlantis to the real-life ancient Minoan culture on the Aegean islands of Crete and Thera.

A thesis statement is a summary of the argument you want to discuss in the paper you are working on. As much as possible, it should be short but informative.


Evaluating Research Answers:

1. B.) Put your draft aside for a couple of days and then review your thesis and main points

2. C.) Since the 1960s, the theory that has received the most attention links the lost city of Atlantis to the real-life ancient Minoan culture on the Aegean islands of Crete and Thera

3. B.) That the author is the same as that in the works cited entry above this one


Which of the following is the best inference?
