How did Madison and Jefferson respond to the Alien and Sedition Act?


Answer 1

Jefferson and Madison held that the union of states had been built on an agreement in which the states freely gave up their rights to the central government .

I hope that's really help ! 

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that would be the Mayflower Compact
Its called the MayFlower Compact. It was so the pilgrims would have laws to fowfill and anyone who disobey were sacrificed.

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During the Revolution, men were off fighting for the new nation. Many of them had to take out loans to keep their farms going in their absence. After the war, the creditors wanted their money. Sometimes the states backed the debtors and ordered the creditors to forgive the debts. But, sometimes they backed the creditors and the peoples' farms - their homes - were foreclosed. Many men were put in debtor prison until family members could come up with the money to get them out.

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The legislative branch does. In the USA, that's the Congress.
There are Executive, Legislative and Judicial branch in the 3 branches of government.
And Legislative is the lawmaking branch which is the Congress!

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The Republican Party is also known as the GOP meaning "Grand Old Party" or "Galland Old Party", and albeit is not the oldest political party in America, the idea of "Old Party" is entrenched in the more recent advocacy for keeping  old traditions, and the continuation of old ideas, turning them into being conservatives, but in recent times since that party encouraged and supported progressive ideas in the past; thereby, that's why nowadays "Republicans are most often associated with having conservative ideas".


Republican are most often associated with having conservative ideas.

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i think the cape buffalo because it has more hidr and it wouldent cold. The wallaby is just a kangaroo that would die really fast of hipothermia
wallaby because it's in Australia and I am a little rusty on my geography but I believe that's closer to Antarctica. I believe but I could be wrong.