A private network that is accessible only to employees of the company that created it is called:A. a business-net.
B. an extranet.
C. an intranet.
D. the Internet.


Answer 1
Answer: Intranet is the answer to this question.

Google definition: An intranet is a network based on TCP/IP protocols (an internet) belonging to an organization, usually a corporation, accessible only by the organization's members, employees, or others with authorization.
Answer 2


The Intranet


The Intranet is an private network.

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An airplane manufacturer continues to hear from airlines that the landing gear indicator keeps flashing off and on, confusing the flight crew. Which step of the design process should the designers of the plane revisit? Explain your reasoning.



  the applicable design step will depend on the findings as to the cause(s) of the problem


First of all, the affected airplane(s) should be examined to find the proximate cause(s) of the indicator flashing. Once that is known, corrective action can be investigated.

If we assume the airplane has been manufactured and maintained in accordance with all released and approved procedures (a big assumption), then the next step might be to revisit the analysis that sets rigging position and limits--both for manufacturing and for maintenance. Attention should be given to all allowable tolerances anywhere in the linkage related to the gear position sensor, and to the sensor behavior in relation to gear position.


As an engineer responsible for landing gear indication, I have had to deal personally with this issue. A number of factors are involved, including landing gear linkage and its tolerances; sensor rigging and its tolerances; sensor target size, position, and the geometry of its travel in relation to the sensor. Temperature can also be a factor, affecting both the mechanical linkage and the sensor behavior.

Up/down and locked/unlocked sensors for each gear can contribute to the problem. Each has its own geometry, which is not always easy to discern from the multitude of design drawings and different engineering groups involved. Sensor vendors like to work with a specific target geometry and motion that may not be duplicated on the airplane, so sensor behavior is not always well-specified. The specification to the vendor may need to be revisited.

When sensors are located on moving parts, wire routing and protection come into play. In some cases, wiring may be "in the wind" when landing gear is extended, so must be protected against a variety of assaults. When things rub on wires, damage always occurs eventually. The nature and extent of the protection provided can also be something to assess in the investigation.

Maintenance and repair procedures can also be scrutinized. We have seen issues related to the way splices and crimps to wiring are done, and where those are allowed to be located. Deicing fluid is corrosive to wiring, and travels up a wire as though it were a straw. So, careful protection is needed for wire ends exposed to areas where deicing fluid may be found.

Sensors that rely on magnetic properties of materials can be affected by residual magnetism. Manufacturing and maintenance procedures that detect and/or eliminate those effects may need to be reassessed.

The airplanes I worked on did not have a computer between the position sensor and the indicator light. I have worked with indicators that were computer driven, and that did flash. In one case, the intermittent flashing problem took years to solve, and was eventually traced to a poor design choice in the way internal wiring was routed in the computer chassis. So, the design of both computer software and computer hardware may also need to be revisited.

In short, every part of the design process may need to be revisited.

Vannevar Bush imagined a desktop computing machine that would allow people to access data stored in various information centers throughout the world. This device was called


That device was call Memex.

Memex is taken from the word combination of memory and index. In 1945, an American engineer, inventor and a scientist, Vannevar Bush envisioned a device in which people can store and access their data information centers around the world.

If you are planning to carry a large balance on your credit card, which of the following credit card features should you look for? a .Low APR B-Low balance transfer fee C-Lots of credit card rewards D-A large credit limit


If you are planning to carry a large balance on your credit card, then you should choose Low APR. Why does it so? Because APR, acronym from Annual Percentage rate will give you guidance on how much the interest you have to pay as an additional charge from your loan.

Further explanation

Interested to know more about this answer, let's take a look at our Brainly explanation below.

First, what is APR, APR is the acronym from Annual Percentage Rates. It's an entity from the credit that comes from your credit card. The formula of APR is listed below.

(((Fees+interest fees)/(total loan))/(days of loan)* 365 ) * 100 = APR

Example in Calculation:

To give a clear view and explanation of what is APR, please take a look at data below. For example, Bob bought a new Macbook pro, that cost him 2500 USD in June 2017. He bought it by his credit card and he need to pay monthly the bill of credit card within 10 months. In middle of 2018, when he finished paid all the bill of his Macbook pro, he realize he paid 150 dollar of the interest. So the calculation of APR from his credit card is.

1. The cost of the product that you pay

             The interest of the payment is 150 dollar.

2. Sum the number and divide by the loan amount

             The percentage 150 dollar divided by 2500 dollar. It gives 0.06

3. Divide them by the day terms of the loan

             The term of the loan is 10 months or 300 days. So It gives 0.06 / 300 = 0.0002

4. Multiply the result to 365 days

              Follow it with 0.002 x 365 = 0.073

5. Multiply by 100 to get the amount in percentage

              It gives 7.3

So the APR is 7.3 %

Below is also some of the reasons why you should not pick the other choice or feature.

Why the other choices are not relevant:

B-Low balance transfer fee

Usually, people not using cash in regards to credit card usage. Why does it so, because credit card will give you extra charge to withdraw some money. It also applies to transfer fee, most of the bank provides a free transfer from one account to another account. Therefore low balance transfer is not aligned as the choice to pick a credit card.

C-Lots of credit card rewards

Credit card rewards are a gamification way of the credit card issuer and do you know that in the world only 10% of customers that are using it. It applies to the reward in another service, such as miles award and so on.

D-A large credit limit

The credit limit is entirely the right of the credit card issuer in deciding on how much the credit card should be issued. You can not just pick up the large credit limit without any approval from the institution that approves your credit limit.

Learn more

If you are interested more into this topic, we recommend you too also take a look at the following question.

Core curriculum category

Grade: 12

Subject: Economy

Subchapter: Loan


The correct options to carry a large balance on the credit card are as below:

(a). Low APR

(b). Low balance transfer fee

(c). Lots of credit card rewards

Further Explanation:

Annual Percentage Rate (APR): The annual percentage rate is the annual rate that is charged by the bank/organization on credit balance. For large credit balance, the annual percentage rate should be minimum so that minimal interest should be charged by the bank or any organization.

Most of the people thinks that interest rate and Annual Percentage Rate(APR) are same thing but actually they are different if you are taking a loan.

APR is different from interest rate since it includes fees that one may pay to take out the loan.

Sometimes, it is not possible to avoid carrying limits on credit card. At that time, low annual percentage rate plays a vital role to reduce the extra amount.

Also, low balance transfer fee is necessary when you carry a large amount on credit card so that when you transfer the amount from the other accounts, it should have less transfer fee.

The more credit card rewards also a right thing for a credit card holder. The rewards can be further used in other transaction which reduce your loan amount on credit card balance.

Learn more:  

1. Stock and bonds  


2. Minimum payment of credit card


3. Charging fee in case of credit card


4. Consequences of non-payment of monthly credit card payment


Answer details:

  • Grade: Senior Secondary School
  • Subject: Accounts
  • Chapter: Economy


Bank, credit card, low balance, limit, annual percentage rate, interest rate, large balance, carry, features, credit limit rewards, large credit limits, EMI, loan

Carl knows that water moves through different kinds of soil at different rates. How easily water moves through a soil is known as permeability. Carl decides to compare the permeabilities of different soil types. To do this, Carl takes five identical flower pots with holes in the bottom and fills each one with different soil: rocky, gravely dirt from the side of the road potting soil from the store clay soil from a nearby creek sand from a store dirt from his own backyard Carl pours one liter of water into each pot and measures how much water flows out of the bottom in one minute.



To get the same same results from all pots "amount of water should be same" for all pots.


As Carl want to measure and compare the amount of water that flows in pot in one minute from all all pots. He should keep the amount of water constant for all pots to get the desired results.

Question 1:Which of the following is involved in weathering?

a. water
b. seafloor spreading
c. mountain building

Question 2:
What types of rocks initially form from deposition?

a. igneous
b. sedimentary
c. metamorphic
d. basaltic

Question 3 :
Air, water, and ice can break rocks into tiny fragments. Which of the following best describes this process?

a. erosion
b. deposition
c. weathering
d. sediment


The option typically involved in the process of weathering is water. Thus, the correct option for this question is A.

The types of rocks that initially form from deposition are known as sedimentary rocks. Thus, the correct option for this question is B.

Air, water, and ice can break rocks into tiny fragments. The option that best describes this process is known as weathering. Thus, the correct option for this question is C.

What is weathering?

Weathering may be defined as a process through which numerous rocks and minerals found on the earth's surface are considerably broken down into smaller fragments. The process of weathering is facilitated by different components like water, wind, ice, etc.

Erosion is different from weathering. This is because erosion deals with the transportation of broken substances or materials through weathering from one place to another with the help of air and water. It is the gradual destruction and elimination of rock or soil in a particular area.

Therefore, each of the given questions is well described above.

To learn more about Weathering and erosion, refer to the link:




1. A

2. B

3. C

hope this helps in some way

To customize the mini toolbar, color schemes and enable the Live Preview feature you would use the _______________ option


Space bar option to do that