Where is the red square located?


Answer 1
Answer: The Red Square is a Square in Russia, in Moscow, the capital of Russia.

It is famous for being next to the Kremlin, where the President of Russia resides, which is sometimes the name used for the Russian government and Russia generally.

Many military parades take place on this Square, so it is often seen on the television.

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The change of air temperature with height is the environmental lapse rate. The correct option among all the options that are given in the question is the second option or option "B". It is a fact that heat can never leave or enter a system and all the changes of temperature take place internally. I hope it helps.

Answer: (B) Environmental lapse rate.


 The change in temperature of the air with the height in atmosphere is known as the environmental lapse rate. The environmental lapse rate of the Earth is the decline in temperature with increasing atmospheric altitude. In the atmosphere, the air molecule density basically affects the pressure of the air.

The air force on the surface of the Earth, it is one of the highest at the level of the sea and decreases steadily with the given altitude. The environmental lapse rate is the highly affected by the three main factors are as follows:

  • Condensation
  • Radiation
  • Convection

HELP!! 20 POINTS FOR EACH ANSWER!What do the conflicts in Xinjiang, Chechnya, and Quebec have in common, and how do they differ?


In all 3 areas, the ethnic minorities were trying to achieve some sort of degree in autonomy or independence. In Quebec the movement is very peaceful and friendly, also very political, and some people are very satisfied with the right of language in the Canadian Confederation.
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The conflicts in Xinjiang from the 1940s and early 50s, the conflicts in Chechnya in the 1990s, and the conflicts in Quebec in the 1970s are all alike in who or what the conflict revolves around but are different in the way the people are treated. They’re also alike in what happened to the countries but different in the way that the people reacted to what was going on.

The common of the three would be the language. These three ethnic groups had struggled regarding language.  They did not use the language that is being used by the dominant groups. However, they differ in terms on how they cope with the changes. For the Xianjing, violence occurred because the Uighur were forced to assimilate with the Chinese during the Han dynasty. They tried to fight it at first, but they were outnumbered.

Quebec had allowed the French to be their official language to avoid bigger conflict between their colonizers. While Chechnya had been the most violent one. The Chechens had waged war against the Russians. At first, they were able to win, however they had lose during the second war when the Russians were able to control Chechnya.