Which of the following is the part of a digital camera that acts as the film?A. LCD
c. Flash memory card
b. CCD
d. SmartMedia card


Answer 1
Answer: It's the 'charge coupled device' (CCD) that captures the image in a digital camera.

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Dynamic alliance networks work best in industries: a. that are mature and stable in nature. b. where the coordination of product and global diversity is critical. c. that are characterized by predictable market cycles and demand. d. characterized by frequent product innovations and short product life cycles
How do computers work
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Which line in the following program contains the prototype showDub function? 1 #include 2 using namespace std; 3 void showDub(int); 4 int main() 5 { 6 int x = 2; 7 showDub(x); 8 cout << x << endl; 9 return 0; 10 } 11 void showDub(int num) 12 { 13 cout << (num * 2) << endl; 14 }

It is believed that Taiwan is the original home of these early Oceania explorers. Maori Lapita Polynesians Aborigines


The answer is Lapita.
Lapita is a prehistoric culture of people from c. 1600 BCE to c. 500 BCE in the Pacific Ocean. It is believed that they are the ancestors of other historic cultures such as Polynesia and Micronesia.  Scholars assumed the origin of the Lapita is from Austronesians from Taiwan. The domesticated spread farther into Ocenia.

The correct answer is: Lapita

Imagine that a crime has been committed and being a police officer you have to investigate the case. Solving a crime can be a very complex problem as there are many things to consider. How will you decompose this problem?



On October 31, around twelve o'clock at night, the lights were dull. It was Siberian cold and I was walking painfully under the whitish lighting of a lamppost and the retro neon lights of a convenience store in a neighborhood that was buzzing when I went to buy meat. buildings, grayish in this half-light, crumbled under the weight of sleep, while the neighborhood was still open. Its decoration was particularly macabre in tone: synthetic but very sticky spider webs adorned the porches of the terraces, pumpkin ornaments are exhibited like works of art, ... Some pushed the macabre by hanging mannequins made up in corpses. At the entrance to the neighborhood, I found the body of its owner stabbed. Frozen in place, I wondered what else awaits me. My heart was pounding, feeling a shiver of anguish. When I was removing the phone from my pocket to call my police friends, my hands were clenched in fear. An investigation was carried out to find out the causes of death. Also, I went with them so they take my words. Hopefully the murderer will be arrested to put an end to this sybilinous crime.

Write a loop that reads positive integers from standard input, printing out those values that are greater than 100, each on a separate line, the loop terminates when it reads an integer that is not positive.


//use java not javascript
Scanner scan = new Scanner(s); 
int nums[] = new int[2000]; 
int value =1; 
int index = 0; 
\\loop for entering values and save those over 100 in an array 
While( value >= 0 ) \\ as long input is positive number loop continues 

System.out.print("Enter an integer : "); 
value = scan.nextInt( ); 
if(value > 100) 

nums[index] = value; 

//Next loop prints the array contents on one line with one space 
for( int i =0; i < nums.length; i++) 

if(nums[i] > 100) 

Your program must define and call the following function that returns the number of times the input character appears in the input string. int CountCharacters(char userChar, string userString)



The program to this question can be given as:


#include <iostream>  //header file

using namespace std;  //using name space.

int CountCharacters(char userChar,string userString) //define function.


int count = 0;  //define variable

for (int i=0;i<userString.length();i++) //loop

if (userString[i]==userChar)  //if block

count++;  //increment the value.

return count;  //return value.


int main()  //main method.


   string userString= "Clanguage";  //define variable and assign value.

   char userChar = 'a';   //define variable and assign value.

   cout << CountCharacters(userChar,userString);  //calling function and print value.  

   return 0;  





  • In the above C++ programming language program we define a function that is "CountCharacters". Inside function parameters, we pass two parameters that are "userChar and userString". The userChar is a char variable that holds single character value and userString is a string variable that holds a string value.
  • In the function, we define an integer variable that is "count". This variable counts the match value and returns its value.
  • To counts values, we define a loop in a loop we use if statement that counts the value that how many time it occurs in a string value and return its value.
  • In the main method, we define these variables ("userChar and userString") and assign values that are "a and Clanguage " and call the function and print function return value.

This provides an easy method for workers to use their computers.FAT



The GUI.





GUI stands for Graphical User Interface

Behind the scenes, your computer is just working with a lot of 1s and 0s, and that wouldn't be very easy for us to operate.

The GUI means we can interact with our computer in a way that is easy for us to understand as humans. With the GUI every move of the mouse, click, key press (and so on) sends a command to the machine in a language that it understands, and shows us the result on screen in a way that we can understand. :) This cuts out a lot of work and means more people can use the technology we've developed without having to learn complicated commands to use our computers.

Are bpos safe for organisations ? State your views on it





Business process outsourcing is the act of contracting aspects of a business that are considered secondary to third-party vendors. These aspects of the business could range from Information Technology to accounting or quality assurance. Business process outsourcing has its advantages and disadvantages.

While it ensures flexibility and cost savings in the business, I believe that;

1. Releasing sensitive information about a business to people who are not within the confines of a business, could result in a breach in data handling. Sensitive information can no longer be entirely controlled by the business owners once in the hand of outsourced contractors. Information might get into the hand of hackers who can compromise business activities.

2. Given that some BPO's might require sourcing workers from countries abroad, and also considering the fact that different countries have different criteria as to what constitutes data handling breaches, it might sometimes be hard to enforce safety standards.

3. Quality control might also not be easy to achieve, and could be worsened by language and communication barriers.

4. If the organizations do not track their expenses religiously, they might end up spending more on outsourcing than they would have with employees. This might because they underestimated the pricing.

To handle these safety issues, the business owners might have to develop some very stringent methods of regulating Business Process Outsourcing.