What alternative to slavery do you think the colonists could have used to solve the labor shortage


Answer 1
Answer: For one, there wasn't exactly a labor shortage. Because of the economic theory of mercantilism, the colonies were established to produce a surplus of goods. In other words, the only reason there was a labor shortage was because the colonies had been established in the first place for the purpose of creating tons and tons of mostly unnecessary stuff (like tobacco). The best solution would have been simply not to colonize America in the first place, but the colonists could also simply have done the work themselves, or hired labor from other parts of the world rather than capturing and enslaving people.
Answer 2


The alternatives to slavery that colonists could have used to solve the labor shortage were The colonists have used the working system we have today meaning having employees and paying them or the colonist could have done the job themselves and everybody work equally despite the color of their skin.


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It was a Somerset man, Edgar Goldtop, who in 1587 was watching a baby calf suckle its mother and thought he would give it a try.

It is after him that the original bottles of milk were named.

There is no official source for the person who officially discovered cow milk as cow milking has been an ancient practice associated with the very beginnings of agriculture development more than 8,000 years ago. However, the practice was very common in Europe and the East, in particular, and cow breeding was found to become popular when farmers began to discover that certain cows produced milk better than others.


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The Vietnam War harmed the Great Society program because.?



Proposed by the President Lyndon B. Johnson, the Great Society program suffered from a great loss due to the United State’s involvement on the Vietnam War.


It happened because:

  • The money spent on the war kept on increasing due to which the money which was kept for ending the poverty in the Great Society’s programs was spent too.
  • Due to the involvement of United States, its military denied from administrating and taking the responsibility for the Great Society program.
  • The War Powers Act, a congressional resolution by US was enacted in 1973 during the war. As a result of which the President Johnson’s role in the domestic policy ended.  
  • Since the US military joined to fight for the Vietnam War, most of the American rooted for the war than the Great Society programs.

What are the goals of america's foreign policy.CHOOSE EXACTLY THREE ANSWERS

A) to keep the nation safe

b) to build trade with other nations

c) to enforce American laws in other nations

d) to advance democracy and human rights around the world.


The main goal of America's Foreign policy is to Keep the nation Safe, build trade relations with other nations, and also to advance the matter of democracy and human rights around the World. Hence, options A, B, and D are appropriate.

What was the major thing about America's Foreign Policy?

The main purpose of Foreign Policy is to keep cordial ties with eth other countries. So, when the home country faces any threat- which may be any like in the form of famine, war, or terrorists other countries with who you share a cordial and friendly relationship would come to your rescue. This would let maintain the balance be maintained in the whole world.

The U.S. Foreign policy is mainly based on a few can be counted policies, like safeguarding the territory of the country from enemies. Promoting freedom and democracy among other countries are also some of the best examples of US Foreign Policy.

The promotion and safeguarding of Human Rights also come first for Americans. Hence, options A, B, and D are correct.

Learn more about the US Foreign Policy here:




Here are your three answers that make the most sense.

  • A. To keep the nation safe
  • To build trade with other nations
  • To advance democracy and human rights around the world.

Describe the benefits that consumers may receive from more sellers in the marketplace.


Answer: The consumer has more advantage than the seller


The seller depends on the consumer. If the consumer does not purchase then the seller doesn’t make a profit and vise versa. The consumer needs what the seller is offering because the may be essential life items. Hope this helped :)

The official title of the Marshall Plan was "The __________." United Nations European Union European Recovery Program North Atlantic Treaty Organization



European Recovery Program


Its called this because it was used to rebuild Europe after the damage it endured after WWII.