How many elements are there


Answer 1
Answer: There are 118 known elements

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Can you explain the answer for me ?


C . chemical energy will be the answer. In a gas stove, LPG is stored and it is brought out and it reacts with oxygen to give out heat energy. all the other options are not convincing and hence chemical energy is the best answer. 

For the substituted cyclohexane compound given below, highlight the groups – by clicking on atoms – that will sterically interact with the methyl group in a 1,3-diaxial fashion.


The atoms that would sterically interact with methyl group located axially are highlighted in pink color in the attached image.

Further Explanation:

The stereoisomer of a molecule that has same chemical formula and connectivity of bond but differs in the arrangement of the atoms in space is known as conformer. The rotation about the carbon-carbon single bond can lead to the formation of conformer of a molecule.

There are four conformers of cyclohexane molecule as follows:

  • Chair conformation
  • Boat conformation
  • Twist boat conformation
  • Half chair conformation

Chair conformation is considered as the best conformation of cyclohexane. The hydrogen in blue denote the axial positions and the hydrogen in pink denote equatorial positions. (Refer to the attached image)

The stable conformation is that in which the bulky groups such as hydroxyl, methyl, and nitro group occupy the equatorial positions while the relatively small groups such as hydrogen atoms occupy axial positions. The reason is that the axially placed substituents suffer more steric repulsion and that generates strain in the molecule. The strain leads to high energy and thus less stability.

While writing the chair conformation the bulkier groups are preferentially placed at equatorial positions. The conformation that has bulky group at equatorial position is more favorable than the conformation that has bulky group at axial position. The reason for the stability of the conformation is diaxial interactions.

1,3-diaxial interaction: The 1,3-diaxial interactions occur among the axial substituent present at 1 and 3 positions.

The conformation in the problem has axial substituent hydrogen and bromine at the two positions 3 and 3’ which lead to 1,3-diaxial strain in the molecule and makes it unstable. (Refer to the attached image)

Learn more:

1. Balanced chemical equation

2. Oxidation and reduction reaction:

Answer details:

Grade: Senior School

Subject: Chemistry

Chapter: Conformation of cyclohexane  

Keywords: Cyclohexane, planar, chair conformation, axial positions, equatorial positions, steric repulsion, high energy, 1, 3-diaxial interaction, 1, 3-diaxial strain.

Final answer:

In a substituted cyclohexane, 1,3-diaxial interactions happen between groups on the same side of the ring but are two carbons apart. In this scenario, the hydrogen atoms on carbons 3 and 5 would interact with the methyl group, causing steric strain.


In a substituted cyclohexane compound, 1,3-diaxial interactions occur between groups that are on the same side of the ring but are two carbons apart. In this case, the question focuses on the steric interactions with the methyl group. Assuming that the methyl group is on carbon-1 of the ring, the hydrogen atoms on carbons 3 and 5 (both axial positions) on the same face of the ring would sterically interact with the methyl group in a 1,3-diaxial fashion. This steric interaction leads to steric strain, which destabilizes the compound and promotes a conformational flip to relieve this strain.

Learn more about Steric Interactions here:


Which substance can not be decomposed by a chemical change?A. Ammonia

B. Copper

C. Propanol

D. Water

(P.s, tysm )


The substance that cannot be decomposed by a chemical change is: B. Copper

What is copper

Copper is an element, and elements cannot be broken down into simpler substances through chemical changes. Chemical changes involve the rearrangement of atoms in molecules, leading to the formation of new substances.

However, in the case of an element like copper, it is composed of only one type of atom (Cu), and it cannot be further broken down into simpler substances by a chemical reaction.

Read mroe on copper here


B. Copper since the rest of the choices are compounds. Copper is an element.

What occurs when there are oh ions in a solution


the solution is considered basic.  The more H⁺ a solution has the more acidic it is and the more OH⁻ a solution has the more basic it is.  pH=-Log[H⁺] and pOH=-log[OH⁻].  pOH+pH=14

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Actually when the oxpecker bird eats insects off the back of the rhinoceros. They are helping each other. The bird gets a nutritious snack while the rhinoceros gets those pesty and annoying bugs off of him. This is also called a Symbiotic relationship. When both organisms of different species work together to benefit the other. 
hope this helps:)
and dont forget 2 

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Explain how each item is used in the procedure
List any safety equipment needed and how it is used in the procedure
Describe how this procedure might be used in a situation outside the chemistry classroom


If there's just some barium put in an aqueous solution, then it should be something like this.
It's a mixture of a solution and an insoluble solid, so the easiest way to go is through filtration. (Also, I'm assuming the barium is cut into very small chips.)

In a line, simply filter the solution using a folded filter paper in a funnel, collect the residue in a beaker or flask, rinse it with distilled water and let it dry. (Or simply filtering it could be enough, depending on how far your teacher wants you to go.)

Stuff needed:
>filter paper (for separating the solid from the solution)
>funnel (to hold the filter paper)
>beaker or flask (to hold the filtrate)
>distilled water (to rinse the solid)
>spatula (to scoop up the solid)

>Fold filter paper and line the funnel with it. Place the funnel in the flask or beaker.
>Pour solution in. Then add water (I think using tap water might be fine in this case, but you can use distilled water if you'd like) to wash out the container with the solution of any solid you may have not gotten in the first try. Alternatively, you could use a spatula to spoon it onto the filter paper.
>Once everything has been filtered, pour some distilled water on the residue on the filter paper to wash away the solution.
>Take out the filter paper, open it up and let it dry.

This can be used in real life in many occasions. For example, when you make tea, you need to filter the leaves out. Or when you cook the pasta, you put it in a sieve to separate the pasta from the water. Or when you fish using fishing nets, you "filter" the fish from the water.