Why does the addition of acid increase the solubility of calcium phosphate?


Answer 1

An addition of acid increases the solubility of calcium phosphate because the hydrogen ions can easily dissociate and form salts. And example is from the reaction 3H2SO4 + Ca3(PO4)2 → 2H3PO4 + 3CaSO4. CaSO4 is the salt of sulfuric acid and calcium phosphate. 

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Oxygen is the oxidizing agent and accept electrons


  • Corrosion is an example of a redox reaction which involves both reduction and oxidation process.
  • During corrosion a metal loses electrons and becomes oxidized to form a metal ion.  Therefore, oxygen is the oxidizing agent since it undergoes reduction by gaining electrons.
  • Therefore, during corrosion of iron, iron is the reducing agent and gives electrons, while oxygen is the oxidizing agent and accepts the electrons.

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The reaction of calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) and hydrochloric acid (HCl) is:
Ca(OH)2 + 2HCl --> CaCl2 + 2H2O. So the amount of calcium hydroxide in the sample is ((19.50ml HCl)/1000) x 0.1050 mol/L 
From the balanced equation above: (1 mol Ca(OH)2 / 2 mol HCl) 
Calculating the amount of Ca(OH)2 in the 50ml sample, multiply with the molar mass: 
((19.50ml HCl)/1000) x 0.1050 mol/L x (1 mol Ca(OH)2 / 2 mol HCl) x 74.039 g/mol

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Answer is: It expands when it freezes.

When molecule frezes, it lose energy. When molecules are far apart, it means the volume is greater and it expands.

For example, ice expands when water is freezing.

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The more the heat energy present in it the bond between the molecules gets weaker just like water

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The answer is the mass number! (:

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Polar winds are usually from the east direction.




A 4.00 mL aliquot of a 0.15 M HCl solution is diluted to a final volume of 25.00 mL. What is the molarity of this first dilution solution? Then a second dilution was made by taking 7.50 mL of the first dilution and diluting it to 50.00 mL. What is the molarity of this second dilution?


Final answer:

The molarity of HCl after the first dilution is 0.024 M and after the second dilition, it is 0.0036M.


The problem at hand is a solution dilution problem in the field of Chemistry, usually tackled by the use of formula M1V1=M2V2, where M1 and V1 are the original molarity and volume, and M2 and V2 are the molarity and volume after dilution. In the first dilution, applying this formula gives (0.15 M)(4.00 mL) = (M2)(25.00 mL), solving for M2 gives a value of 0.024 M. The second dilution would similarly have the equation (0.024 M)(7.5 mL) = (M3)(50.0 mL), which gives M3 approximately 0.0036 M. Hence, the molarity of the first dilution would be 0.024 M and the molarity of the second dilution would be 0.0036 M.

Learn more about Solution Dilution here:



I really dont know but it would be useful to use chegg it really help you find the answer in a proper manner