what was robert brown looking at through a microscope when he found evidence of the 1827 scientific concept named in his honor?


Answer 1

Robert Brown was looking at a CELL NUCLEUS through a microscope.

Robert Brown (1773-1858) was a Scottish botanist. Studying the cells of plants, he called the ovals inside those cells the "nucleus" as he watched the interaction of pollen with the cell nucleus. The small, random oscillations of particles in the fluid of the cell are given the name "Brownian motion" based on the sort of fluctuating movement that Brown observed.

Answer 2

Final answer:

Robert Brown was examining an orchid's pollen suspended in water under the microscope in 1827 when he discovered the phenomenon now known as 'Brownian motion', named in his honor.


In 1827, Robert Brown, a British botanist, was examining a species of orchid under a microscope when he noticed tiny particles inside the cell nucleus that were constantly in motion. These particles, he realized, were at the heart of life on a microscopic level. This motion is now referred to as 'Brownian motion'. When Robert Brown was observing through his microscope, he was specifically looking at the pollen of the plant suspended in water.

Learn more about Brownian motion here:



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Anti-Federalists argued that the Constitution gave too much power to the federal government, while taking too much power away from state and local governments. Many felt that the federal government would be too far removed to represent the average citizen.

Final answer:

Anti-Federalists argued against the constitution, fearing that it would concentrate too much power at the national level, potentially threatening individual freedoms and state rights. Their push resulted in the adoption of the Bill of Rights.


The Anti-Federalists primarily argued for the protection of individual rights and advocated for localized government. They were concerned that the Federal constitution, by concentrating power at the national level, would threaten individual freedoms and the rights of the states. They believed that the Constitution's lack of a Bill of Rights was a critical flaw that could lead to a central government with unchecked power. To address these issues, the Anti-Federalists pushed for the adoption of the Bill of Rights, which helped to establish the fundamental rights and liberties of U.S. citizens.

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In the early 19th century, south carolina protested what it believed to be a violation of its rights by


The correct answer that would best complete the given statement above would be "threatening to secede from the Union". In the early 19th century, south Carolina protested what it believed to be a violation of its rights by threatening to secede from the Union.

In the early 19th century, south carolina protested what it believed to be a violation of its rights by threatening to secede from the Union.

South Carolina was the first state to secede from the Union following the election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860. South Carolina adopted the Declaration of the Immediate Causes to induce and justify the Secession of South Carolina from the Federal Union on December 24, 1860, following a Ordinance of Secession adopted December 20. All of the violations of the alleged rights of Southern states stated in the document pertain to slavery.

"The majority, oppressing an individual, is guilty of a crime, abuses its strength, and by acting on the law of the strongest breaks up the foundations of society."—Thomas Jefferson Which of the following statements both relates to the quote above and supports it?


The rule of law is an essential principle in the nation but not nearly as important as the idea of majority rule.The rule of law is the most important principle in the nation where votes of the majority determine the laws.The rule of the majority with protection for the minority's rights is essential for preserving the liberties of all.The rule of the majority is the only principle on which this nation should run in order to protect democracy.
Jefferson was Anti Fed, so he wanted maajority rule and less central government. but later in his second term, he kept some of hamilton's financial programs (which were heavily federalist), but following the quote, I would say d.


C: The rule of the majority with protection for the minority's rights is essential for preserving the liberties of all.


Took the quiz

The British takeover of Egypt was an example ofBritish expansionism.
economic imperialism.


The right answer is "economic imperialism".

The explanation for this is that there was an economic motive for the British occupation of Egypt.

The British Empire decided to occupy Egypt, in 1882, then submitted to the Ottoman Empire, for two reasons: one strategic and the other economic. The strategic point is that the Suez Canal, which opened in 1869, an important passage linking the eastern oceans to the Mediterranean Sea, was the economic motive that Egypt was the largest producer of cotton in the world, an essential raw material for industry English textile, the most modern of the time. This dual importance of Egypt is what explains why Britain remained there for 72 years, until the Nasserist movement put an end to its rule.

The option (D) is correct. The British takeover of Egypt was an example of economic imperialism.

Further Explanation:

Economics imperialism:

Economic imperialism is a practice where a country uses capitalization, globalization for increasing its influence in a developing country. The ordinary practice of colonization is not effective in the case of developed countries where direct military enforcement could help in attaining the authority. Under economic imperialism, a country uses other parameters such as capitalism and solubilization to interfere in the affairs of a country. Economic imperialism occurs when a country has economic leverage over another country.

Economics imperialism in Egypt:

Egypt had borrowed a lot of loan from the European countries for their cotton business and internal improvement. In 1876, Egypt was not able to repay the loan, and it was at the verge of bankruptcy. Therefore, European countries established an agency called “Caisse de la Dette” for the debt repayment. This agency started controlling all the economic activities of Egypt.  

In 1881, the head of the Egyptian military started a revolt against the foreign powers. As a result, the British government established an army in the Egypt soil and replaced the military officials of Egypt by the British officials. Gradually, Britain was able to control every aspect of life in Egypt and took over Egypt.

Thus, the British used economic imperialism to take over Egypt.

Learn more:

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2. Learn more about the condition of chine during World War II


3. Learn more about the trade agreement with China


Answer details:

Grade: Middle School

Subject: History

Chapter: Colonialism

Keywords: British, takeover, Egypt, example, British, expansionism, industrialization, colonization, economic imperialism.

Which of the following factors caused German and Italian unification?A.

the revival of democratic revolutions, and nationalism


the Congress of Vienna which encouraged Europe to look to the future


the religious wars that divided Europe in the 1800s


the history of unified cooperation among states and city-states


The correct answer among all the other choices is A. the revival of democratic revolutions, and nationalism. This is a factor that caused German and Italian unification. Thank you for posting your question. I hope this answer helped you. Let me know if you need more help. 




I took the test

The Dutch lost the Cape of Good Hope to the _____.



The Dutch initially lost the cape of good hope in 1795 in the Battle of Malzenburg. The cape switched hands back and forth between the Dutch and the British a few times, driven by peace treaties and further battles and was finally solidified as a British Empire possession by an 1814 peace treaty.