The biggest cause of foodborne illness is


Answer 1


The biggest cause of foodborne illnesses is the handling and preparation of these foods.


Foodborne diseases or STDs are caused by eating contaminated food or beverages, in amounts that affect consumer health. Most are infections caused by bacteria and their toxins, viruses and parasites. These microorganisms are usually transmitted by handling and preparing food inappropriately and without hygiene.

Prevention is done as follows: wash your hands regularly; disinfect all surfaces, utensils and equipment used in food preparation; choose fresh foods that look good, and before consumption they should be washed; avoid eating raw foods, with the exception of fruits and vegetables that can be peeled, whose skins are healthy; buy safe food by checking expiration date, packaging and physical conditions (appearance, consistency, odor); buy meat inspected by the federal inspection service; do not buy food without a label that identifies the producer; fish and shellfish of certain species, and in some countries in particular, may be contaminated with toxins that remain active, despite good cooking; consume pasteurized and sterilized milk (UHT); avoid the consumption of raw, undercooked foods (salads, meats, among others); avoid food sold by street vendors, as it is not known if there was hygiene in the preparation of these products or if they are being stored properly; keep food out of the reach of insects, rodents and other animals.

Answer 2
Answer: Consuming contaminated foods or drinks that could have bacteria, viruses and/or parasites.

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inwardly the fetus starts to grow, and your hormone levels will differ. you may not see it but the body is changing the help the fetus, and the uterus stars to support the growth of the placenta.    

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b. underestimate
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People who have been drinking end to overestimate their ability t tolerate alcohol  - c.

Indeed, this surge of confidence whilst drinking alchool has been often observed by many people and has also no doubt lead to many interesting encounters because of this overestimation. 

Explain why exercise is an important component of good physical fitness


so our body organs can function properly. being psychically fit makes us more active. we wont be tired. our minds can be at rest and we can relax knowing we have a healthy and fresh mind.

also exercise releases endomorphines and this is what makes a person more happier.

Exercise is important for physical fitness because it provides strength to our muscles.

Further Explanation

Exercise provides physical fitness and keeps the mind fresh.

Importance of exercise

Weight control

Exercise can help anticipate overabundance weight put on or help keep up weight reduction. When you participate in physical activity, you consume calories. The more exceptional the action, the more calories you consume.

Improved health conditions and diseases

Exercise on a regular basis avoids or oversee numerous medical issues and concerns, including:  

  1. Stroke  
  2. Metabolic disorders .
  3. Hypertension  
  4. Type 2 diabetes.  
  5. Misery  
  6. Nervousness  
  7. Numerous kinds of malignancy.  
  8. Joint inflammation.  

It can likewise help improve subjective capacity and helps bring down the danger of death from all causes.

Energy boost up through exercise

Regular physical activities can improve your muscle quality and lift your perseverance.  

Exercise conveys oxygen and supplements to your tissues and enables your cardiovascular framework to work all the more productively. What's more, when your heart and lung wellbeing improve, you have more vitality to handle day by day errands.

Exercise improves the state of mind  

An exercise center session or lively walk can help. Physical movement stimulates different mind synthetic compounds that may leave you feeling more joyful, increasingly loose and less restless.  

You may likewise rest easy thinking about your appearance and yourself when you practice routinely, which can support your certainty and improve your confidence.

Answer details

Subject: Health

Level: High School


  • Importance of exercise
  • Weight control
  • Improved health conditions and diseases
  • Energy boost up through exercise
  • Exercise improves the state of mind

Learn more to evaluate

Wellness is the struggle to keep all the components of 6 at their best possible levels.a. True
b. False


That statement is True

The six Dimension of Wellness was developed by Dr. Bill Hettler that consist of  :

- Occupational wellness : Regarding your job and career

- Physical wellness : Regarding your physical health

- Social Wellness : Regarding your relationship with other people

- Spiritual wellness : Regarding your life's purposes

- Intellectual wellness : Regarding your thirst of knowledge

- Emotional wellness : Regarding your psychological health

One reason for the rise in health care costs in the United States is the nation's rapidly expanding elderly population.


That statement is true

According to national institute of Aging, population aging is likely to influence the pattern of health care spending. The older a person is, the more concern and problems they have regarding their health, which cause an increase in their healthcare spending
This is a true statement but it is only one part of the puzzle. The fact is that the american population has been increasingly getting sick with different diseases or are just being prescribed different drugs which increase the burden on the taxpayers.

In the medical term neurology, what does the root mean?


The root neuro means nerve or referring to the nervous system.

Hope this Helps!!