Which describes an internal rhyme?A. a repeated use of the same word

B. a repeated use of the same consonant sound

C. a repeated sound at the ends of lines of poetry

D. a repeated sound within a line of poetry


Answer 1

The answer to your question is,

D. A repeated sound within a line of poetry.

-Mabel <3

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Giving characters struggles and motivation


To give your characters struggles and/or motivation, you need to find something they want to strive toward. Your character is a person, just like anyone in real life. They have goals, they have things they hate. They have a backstory that could provide a reason for their struggles, such as they grew up in a fairly wealthy home, but now they got disowned and are dealing with how to make their own money.
Motivation tends to come from a struggle. For example, the character that is struggling with how to make their own money also has a motivation: money. They are used to having money, that now that they don't, they're going to try to get that money back. Sometimes, the character will have a lull in their motivation, which gives a perfect chance for a climax in the story. Something big happens to give them their push. Maybe they lose the apartment they were staying in because they were too lazy to find a job. Or maybe their significant other tells them that because they're such a worthless, jobless loser, that they're breaking up. No matter what this big event is, it shakes the character out of whatever lull they've been having and shows them that they need to be able to overcome their struggle, therefore providing them with their motivation back tenfold.
I hope this explains this well enough for you, but I can always try to answer in more detail if you'd like.

Identify the subordinate clause in the sentence as a noun, adverb, or adjective clause. 1)Did anyone ask her what sort of present she would like for her birthday?

2)I can't find the video game and controller my cousin lent me.

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4)My aunt found the crocheted blanket that my grandmother had made in Mexico.

5)If you've ever wanted to step into the past, you'll love the town of Tombstone.

6)Because of the tsunami in Hawaii, we were stuck in our hotel for days.

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8)The men on the roof are repairing it with new shingles that aren't very expensive.


im sorry im not really good with part of speech xD

ONLY IF YOU READ THE LORD OF THE FLIESWhy is Ralph upset when he sees a ship on the horizon and realizes the signal fire is out?

Ralph is disappointed in his inability to be a leader of the boys.

Ralph realizes they have missed an opportunity to be rescued.

Ralph discovers that Jack probably does not want to be rescued.

Ralph realizes his plan to be rescued isn't working.


I think a but is has been years ago I read it



Explanation: They see the ship in the horizan and they cant get the fire back in time so they missed a chance to be rescued. Ralph then takes a bit of a hit realizing that the boys didnt uphold their job, ralph then feels like hes not fit to be leader.

Red Cloud Part B Charles A. Eastman The grammatical errors in this passage are intentional. 1 (12) I once asked Red Cloud if he could recall having ever been afraid, for in reply he told me this story. He was about sixteen years old and had already been once or twice upon the warpath, when one fall his people were hunting in the Big Horn country, where they might expect trouble at any moment with the hostile Crows or Shoshones. (13) Red Cloud had followed a single buffalo bull into the Bad Lands and being out of sight and hearing of his companions.When he had brought down his game, he noted carefully every feature of his surroundings so that he might at once detect anything unusual, and tied his horse with a long lariat to the horn of the dead bison, while skinning and cutting up the meat so as to pack it to camp. (14) Every few minutes he paused in his work to scrutinize the landscape if he had a feeling that danger was not far off. 2 Suddenly, almost over his head, as it seemed, he heard a tremendous war whoop, and glancing sidewise, thought he beheld the charge of an overwhelming number of warriors. (15) He tried desperately to give the usual undaunted war whoop in reply, but instead a yell of terror burst from his lips, his legs gave way under him, and he fell in a heap.When he realized, the next instant, that the war whoop was merely the sudden loud whinnying of his own horse, and the charging army a band of fleeing elk, he was so ashamed of himself that he never forgot the incident, although up to that time he had never mentioned it. (16) His subsequent, that the lesson was well learned, career would indicate 3 (17) The future leader was still a very young man, so he joined a war party against the Utes. Having pushed eagerly forward on the trail, he found himself far in advance of his companions as night came on, and at the same time rain began to fall heavily. (18) Among the scattered scrub pines, the lone warrior done found a natural cave, and after a hasty examination, he decided to shelter there for the night. 4 (19) Scarcely had he rolled himself in his blanket when he heard a slight rustling at the entrance, as if some creature were preparing to share his retreat. It was pitch dark. He could see nothing, but judged that it must be either a man or a grizzly. (20) There was not room to draw a bow. It must be between knife and knife, or between knife and claws, he said to himself. 5 (21) The intruder made no search so quietly lay down in the opposite corner of the cave. Red Cloud remained perfectly still, scarcely breathing, his hand upon his knife. Hour after hour he lay broad awake, while many thoughts passed through his brain. Suddenly, without warning, he sneezed, and instantly a strong man sprang to a sitting posture opposite. (22) The first gray of morning will be creeping into their rocky den, and behold! a Ute hunter sat before him. 6 (23) Desperate as the situation appeared, it wasn’t like it was terrible. Neither could afford to take his eyes from the other’s; the tension was great, till at last a smile wavered over the expressionless face of the Ute. (24) Red Cloud answered the smile, but in that instant a treaty of peace was born between them. 7 “Put your knife in its sheath. I shall do so also, and we will smoke together,” signed Red Cloud. (25) The other assented gladly, and previously they ratified the truce which assured to each a safe return to his friends. Having finished their smoke, they shook hands and separated. Neither had given the other any information. Red Cloud returned to his party and told his story, adding that he had divulged nothing and had nothing to report. (26) Some were inclined to censure him for not fighting, but he was sustained, who commended his self-restraint, by a majority of the warriors.In a day or two they discovered the main camp of the enemy and fought a remarkable battle, in which Red Cloud especially distinguished himself. Look at the underlined section marked number (25). There may be a mistake in the way the sentence is written. If you find a mistake, choose the answer that corrects the mistake. If there is no mistake, choose ‘Correct as is.’ A) The other assented gladly, and fortunately they ratified the truce which assured to each a safe return to his friends. B) The other assented gladly, and instead they ratified the truce which assured to each a safe return to his friends. C) The other assented gladly, and thus they ratified the truce which assured to each a safe return to his friends. D) The other assented gladly, and again they ratified the truce which assured to each a safe return to his friends. Eliminate




is naked feet warm by the fire, rubbing them at first, of course, with snow. The fire was a success. He was safe. He remembered the advice of the old-timer on Sulphur Creek, and smiled. The old-timer had been very serious in laying down the law that no man must travel alone in the Klondike after fifty below. Well, here he was; he had had the accident; he was alone; and he had saved himself. Those old-timers were rather womanish, some of them, he thought. All a man had to do was to keep his head, and he was all right. Any man who was a man could travel alone. But it was surprising, the rapidity with which his cheeks and nose were freezing. And he had not thought his fingers could go lifeless in so short a time. Lifeless they were, for he could scarcely make them move together to grip a twig, and they seemed remote from his body and from him.

Final answer:

The best choice is option C: 'The other assented gladly, and thus they ratified the truce which assured to each a safe return to his friends.' This is because 'thus' implies that ratifying the truce was a consequence of the other party gladly assenting, which fits the context of the story.


In examining the underlined section marked as number (25), we need to identify the most suitable conjunction to use following 'and'. The sentence currently reads 'The other assented gladly, and previously they ratified the truce which assured to each a safe return to his friends.' In this context, 'previously' sounds off because it suggests an action that happened before the current one, which doesn't add up in the story. The best conjunction would be 'thus'. This implies that ratifying the truce was a direct result or a consequence of the other party gladly assenting.

So, the rectified sentence should be 'The other assented gladly, and thus they ratified the truce which assured to each a safe return to his friends.' Therefore, the correct answer is option C.

Learn more about Sentence Correction



The children ate so much candy that they became


answer: corpulent

explanation: corpulent means fat