Identify the infinitive phrase and the subject of the infinitive in the sentence below.To do one's best is the ultimate goal.


Answer 1
Answer: The infinitive phrase here  is the one that includes the infinitive, that is "to do" so the whole phrase is "to do one's best"

and its subject? well, it takes the role of the subject in the sentence itself (compare "success is the ultimate goal" where the success takes this role) - but its object is "one's best".
Answer 2

Answer:  The correct answer is : The phrase in the infinitive is: To do one's best

The theme is: The triumph is the final goal but the desired, the goal to achieve is "one's best".

Explanation:   A phrase in the infinitive is one that has one or more verbs in infinitive mode. The infinitive is a non-personal verbal form since the verb has no mode, person, time or number. The infinitive is formed with "to" + basic form of the verb. In the case of the sentence of the question, it would be: To do

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B.Logic and emotion
C.Facts and data
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B. Logic and emotion

B.Logic and emotion apex answer

What does the author do for the reader in this passage?


Answer: Tell a story about the past

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The correct answer is:

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1.Mr. Chui was in Muji city for a _____a.confrence.
d.medical procedure.

2.Mr. Chui demands the police give him _____
a.his medicine.
b.some money.
c.a decent meal. apology.

3.Fenjin came to Muji City at _____ request.
a.Mr. Chui's
b.the university's
c.Chairman Mao's
d.Mrs. Chui's

4.As soon as Mr. Chui left the police station he _____
a.bought some tea.
b.took his medicine.
c.called his wife.
d. boarded the train.


The fill in the blanks are:

1. Mr. Chui was in Muji city for ahoneymoon.

2. Mr. Chui demands the police give him an apology.

3. Fenjin came to Muji City, Mrs. Chui'sat request.

4. As soon as Mr. Chui left the police station, he bought some tea.

Who were Mr. Chui and Mrs. Chui?

Mr. Chiu, as he is known, is a thirty-four-year-old Chinese man on his honeymoon in Muji City, China.

Harbin, China, is his home and workplace. He is a Communist Party member and a lecturer at Harbin University.

The correct optionsare: c, d, d, and a.

Learnmore about Mr. Chui and Mrs. Chui


1. Mr. Chui was in Muji City for a honeymoon
2. Mr Chui demands the police give him an apology
3. Fenjin came to Muji City at Mrs. Chui's request
4. As soon as Mr. Chui left the police station he bought some tea

what is blank verse? a. poetry without rhyme or meter b. unrhymed poetry written in iambic pentameter c. poetry with rhyme but no meter d. rhymed poetry written in iambic pentameter


A blank verse is a literary device written in iambic pentameter (a metrical line used in English poetry and verse drama) with regular metrical but with unrhymed lines. This means it consists of five feet, each foot being iambic, meaning two syllables long, one unstressed followed by a stressed syllable.


B on e2020
