Which of the following statements best describes a harijan?a. A Pakistani supporter of the Soviet Union.
c. A member of the untouchable caste.
b. A member of the communist party.
d. A Pakistani-Bangladesh mediator.


Answer 1
Answer: A harijan is the name that Mahatma Gandhi used for people who are most commonly known as dalits, and the dalits are untouchables - so the correct answer is c. A member of the untouchable caste.
Now this name is considered condescending and it's not longer used. 

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The president is responsible for the communication and ongoing relationship between America and other nations of the world. This is known as:

. The term ________ is defined as the attempt to correct the personality and behavior of convicted offenders through educational, vocational, or therapeutic treatment and to return them to society as law-abiding citizens.





Rehabilitation is the process of helping a person suffering from an illness or injury recover lost abilities and thereby regain full self-sufficiency, it is a treatment that will assist you get back, regain, or develop the skills you need in everyday life.

The purpose of rehabilitation  is to return a patient back to a normal, healthy condition, whether it is following an illness, injury, surgery or certain disorders.

The term rehabilitation is defined as the attempt to correct the personality and behavior of convicted offenders through educational, vocational, or therapeutic treatment and to return them to society as law-abiding citizens.




This is primarily used to help in positive change of a person who must have been an offender in different ways, which consists of breaking government and human laws which could include medication abuse, maiming of lives etc.

This is mostly done in a rehabilitation centre by experienced psychologists and doctors.

Example is a case of abuse of medication rehab, you will go through a full supported detox and withdrawal programme that is expertly managed and monitored by our professional team. At the same time, you will focus on learning new skills, tools and personal awareness that will set you up for success when you leave and return to your home. We also offer urgent care for those who need immediate treatment.

A monetary fine, harsh words, and a raised fist are examples of: a. negative sanctions b. situational norms c. cultural reinforcements d. cultural universals



The correct answer is (a) negative sanctions.


Negative sanctions are punishments for violation of social norms which serve as interim measures. The effects are not long lasting as they only suppress undesirable behaviours.

Environmental policy addresses all of the following issues except _______.a. air pollution
b. water pollution
c. natural disasters
d. overfishing

Why is it important for environmental policy to address pollution concerns?
a. Pollution can have a negative impact on human health.
b. Pollution is damaging to the environment.
c. Pollution can cause a reduction in usable natural resources.
d. All of the above


For the first question, the correct answer is C: natural disasters.

Environmental policies do not comprehend natural disasters because they don't necessarily happen due to human activities. Air and water pollution and overfishing are things that only happen because of human activities, and these are the things that these policies try to diminish.

The second question's answer is letter D: all of the above.

Poluttion brings negative effects on human health, because it helps developed a lot of diseases. Also, it is damaging to the environment causing a lot of problems such as global warming. And last, it reduces the usable natural resources, like water, which is vital to the humanity.

Final answer:

Environmental policy tackles a range of issues including air and water pollution, and overfishing, but not natural disasters. These policies are extremely important as they help prevent pollution which can harm human health, damage the environment, and cause a reduction in usable natural resources.


Environmental policy addresses a number of issues including air pollution, water pollution, and overfishing. However, it generally does not directly address natural disasters. The policies are geared toward preventing and mitigating the causes of environmental harm, and while natural disasters can cause environmental damage, they are largely beyond human control and hence are not typically a primary focus of environmental policy.

The importance of environmental policy in addressing pollution concerns is immense. Pollution can have a negative impact on human health, from respiratory issues due to air pollution to diseases caused by water pollution. Additionally, pollution is damaging to the environment, causing problems such as loss of biodiversity and ecosystem imbalance. Finally, pollution can cause a reduction in usable natural resources, making it a sustainability issue that has far-reaching implications for future generations.

Learn more about Environmental Policy here:



A chemical message that makes it more likely that a receiving neuron will fire and an action potential will travel down it's axon is known as an:______


Answer: Excitatory message


Final answer:

An excitatory neurotransmitter is a chemical substance that triggers a 'go' signal to a receiving neuron, making it more likely to fire an action potential.


A chemical message that makes it more likely that a receiving neuron will fire and that an action potential will travel down its axon is known as an excitatory neurotransmitter. Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers that transmit a message from a nerve cell across the synapse to a target cell. The target can be another nerve cell, muscle cell, or gland cell. In the case of an excitatory neurotransmitter, the message is often a 'go' signal to trigger an action in the receiving neuron, making it more likely to fire an action potential.

Learn more about Neurotransmitters here:



Basic foods used every day



= Bread,cereals,pasta,rice,noodles, and other grains..

= vegetables and legumes


=milk,youghurt, cheese and /or alternatives

=lean meat,fish, poultry,eggs,and nuts...

Local environmental changes have no effect on the global climate. t/f


The statement above is rather false. Local environment changes do have an effect on the global climate. Scientists believe that because of this and the rising global warming it will bring an extremely hot weather.

The given assertion "Local environmental changes significantly affect the global climate." is false because Local environmental  changes can to be sure affect the worldwide environment.

While global climate patterns are influenced by a complex interplay of various factors, local changes can contribute to broader climate shifts over time. For instance, deforestation in a particular region can affect carbon dioxide levels and alter atmospheric conditions, potentially leading to changes in weather patterns and climate on a larger scale.

Moreover, activities such as urbanization, land use changes, and industrial emissions can also contribute to greenhouse gas concentrations and climate change at the global level.

Learn more about global climate:
