Which of the following statements does not describe the role of the colonies in the mercantile system?a. The colonies served as a market for the parent country’s manufactured goods.
c. The colonies existed for the benefit of the parent country.
b. The colonies manufactured their own goods and sent them to the parent country to be sold for profit.
d. The colonies sent raw materials to the parent country and could not regulate their trade.


Answer 1
Answer: The statement that does not describe the role of the colonies in the mercantile system is that the colonies manufactured their own goods and sent them to the parent country to be sold for profit.

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Active euthanasia is intentionally killing someone who had been injured or physically damaged at the time of death.

Planks are parts of the party platform in the form of issues that are presented to the people. Civil rights, taxes, and energy are a few examples of the issues.a. True
b. False


Yes, this is true.
I would perhaps also add the specification that planks are usually presented with an opinion or a view: so not only in the form of "there are such and such taxes" but rather in the form of "we think the taxes should be in the following form..."

The government of North Korea has military parades and citizens are expected to attend. What is the likely purpose of this activity?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached we can say the following.

The government of North Korea has military parades and citizens are expected to attend. What is the likely purpose of this activity?

The purpose of these parades is to show the North Korean citizens and the world, that North Korea is a powerful country, trying to send the message that nobody can mess with North Korea.

Let's have in mind that North Korea lives under the dictatorship of Kim Jong II, a powerful dictator that excessively controls North Korean citizens. These people have no liberties. They do not have access to the internet. The government controls everything, even mass media.

So with these parades, the government tries to convey the message that everything is all right, that the country is powerful and prosperous, although its people are very poor.

One day, your friend tells you that his family is planning to move to a new city. His mom found a great new job there, and they are excited to live in a new place that has great weather. On the other hand, they feel like they need to move because there aren't many jobs in your city. In this example, what are the push factors and pull factors that are encouraging your friend's family to move? Explain your answer in at least three sentences.



The pull factors are there are better job opprotunities where they are moving, and there is better weather.

The push factors are there aren't good jobs where they are at now, the weather is obviously not in their favor.

Answer: In this example, the push factor is the fact that there aren’t many jobs available in my friend's city. This is pushing my friend’s family to move somewhere else. At the same time, pull factors are encouraging them to move. They believe that they will have better jobs and live in a better environment in a new place.


What are two of the 13 colonies that pilgrims landed to find religious freedom?


1. New Jersey
2. Virginia

Brittany's mother was a heroin addict who spent many years in prison. Brittany was raised in an impoverished, crime-ridden neighborhood by her maternal grandmother who adored Brittany and involved her in church and enrichment activities. Brittany is now a successful clinical social worker who is happily married. Some researchers would attribute her successful outcome to what is called a __________ of her grandmother.



bilogical grandmother
