The first republican presidential candidate was


Answer 1

it is John C Fremont

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Please Help!!!!There are two major branches of Islam. Write a short paragraph identifying the two branches. Explain why Islam split and describe the relationship between the two branches, then and now.



There are many different branch in the Islam but the two major ones are the SUNNI and SHi'a being the sunni with 90% of followers. The Sunnis believe that learning what you do accordind to the coral is the proper and that practice never change in time.

Shi'a believe that every generation is going to need a guide according to the changes in life. Despite their differences both branches are united in agreedment that Allah is the only God and prophet Mohamend his messenger.


These revelations are recorded in the Qur'an, the holy book of Islam. There are two main branches in Islam: Sunni and Shi'a. A split occurred shortly after the death of Muhammad over the question of who was to lead the Muslims. The Shi'a believed that Muhammad pre-selected Imam Ali, his cousin and son-in-law.

Mark each statement if it is true.A.
Lake Victoria, located in the Sahara, is Africa’s smallest lake.

Mount Kilimanjaro is the highest peak in Africa.

The Nile, the second largest river in the world, flows south.

Timbuktu is located along the Niger River in Mali.

The Sahara, the largest desert in the world, covers almost one third of the African continent.


A. is false
B. is true
C. is false 
D. is true
E. is true 
A. false
B. true
C. false 
D. true
E. true 

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Why might it be better to save up some money and buy something later than to buy it on credit now?You may get protection for cash purchases that are lost, damaged, or stolen.
Buying anything on credit will damage your credit rating.
Paying for things on credit will hurt the economy, by taking money out of circulation.
Paying off credit debt can extend many years, long after the item purchased was useful.


Depending on how beneficial the item is and how long the credit period can be extended, it can be better to save up and purchase something later rather than now. Therefore, option D is correct.

Why it would be preferable to save some money in the future rather than making a credit purchase now?

There are several reasons why it might be better to save up some money and buy something later rather than buying it on credit now:

Interest: When you buy something on credit, you are essentially borrowing money and will have to pay interest on that loan. This means that you will end up paying more for the item than if you had saved up and paid for it in cash.

Debt: Taking on debt can be a burden, especially if you are already struggling to make ends meet. By saving up and buying something later, you can avoid adding to your debt load.

Credit score: Your credit score is affected by your credit utilization ratio, which is the amount of credit you are using compared to the amount of credit available to you. If you use a lot of credit, it can lower your credit score, making it more difficult and expensive to borrow money in the future.

Flexibility: By saving up and buying something later, you have the flexibility to change your mind or adjust your priorities if something unexpected comes up. If you have already bought something on credit, you may be locked into paying for it even if your circumstances change.

Overall, while buying something on credit can be tempting, it's often better to save up and pay for it in cash later. This can help you avoid debt, save money on interest, and maintain your financial flexibility.

Learn more about credit score here:



you wont have to pay it off

Why was Thomas Paine’s publication, The American Crisis, important to colonists?


the publication encouraged the soldiers that were wanting to leave the army to stay. they're spirits were raised by the words Thomas paine wrote. the soldiers were able to defeat the hessians on January 2nd. to sum it up, the writing gave them hope.

Although the Three-Fifths Compromise helped Northern and Southern states reach an agreement that allowed for ratification of the Constitution, in the long run it had a negative effect on the nation because


This is because it gave more opportunities for the slave states.  Though Blacks were part of the equation, they were not really given rights because they were slaves and were considered property.  The use of the numbers would justify the representation of a state through the inclusion of slaves.  Later on, this debate would lead to conflict between states during the Civil War.

In che anno e nato Cristoforo Colombo


Christopher Columbus is believed to have been born around October 31, 1451.