What is a Flucrum i need help because that is what we are learning about in school. Thank you who ever helps me.


Answer 1
Answer: Fulcrum is the support, or point of rest, on which a lever turns in moving a body.

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Nuclear fission means that the atom splits into smaller atoms releasing energy. Nuclear power plants use nuclear fission to create electricity. Unlike Solar power and wind energy, uranium is a non-renewable resource.
Nuclear power is not renewable because the amount of material is finite and is destroyed when used by being split apart

How many flying cars are there in the world?


Many people and companies have made flying cars from Henry Ford and his "Sky Flivver" in 1926, the US Army's "Flying Jeeps" project of the 1950s, and even Flight Innovations Inc's "Sky Commuter" concept from the 1980s.

The big problem is that all of these were experimental prototypes, and no "flying cars" have been made commercially available.  

Many people do keep trying to make flying cars a commercial reality though, and in 2013 a company called Terrafugia announced they would make a self-flying, hybrid tilt-rotor vehicle that would be ready for sale sometime between 2021-2025

0 they did not make flying cars and I never saw one

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A combination circuit would be needed for security because if you had a strait circuit if any one of those sensors or the keypad was ripped off the circuit will now let the flow of electricity be possible but with a combination circuit it helps eliminate that problem because even if on flow path is cut off, other paths are still available 

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is it multiple choice

Answer: if it imma repost the answer for you


What is 25% of 60????????​





The answer is 3 kind sir