Spring is the best time of year to visit here. Wildflowers are everywhere. The peaks appear even taller against the clear blue sky. The one drawback is trying to scale the rocks to get to the top.The place being described is _____
a carnival.
a mountain.
a lake.
the ocean.


Answer 1
Answer: The place being described is a mountain. Clue words like wildflowers, peaks, and clear blue sky are usually seen in mountain views. The writer was trying to convey a beautiful scenery of the mountains during Spring where many observable species, like wildflowers, thrive in the environment and the weather is also at its most beautiful showing clear blue skies.
Answer 2


A mountain. (GRADPOINT)

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The above statement is an example of the Faulty Analogy fallacy. The players don't necessarily need to be outrageously talented. Baseball is a team sport. As such they could be an outrageously talented TEAM.
c is the answer .........

Defend a teen's choice to choose abstinence versus sexual activity. In your defense, include at least five facts. USE COMPLETE SENTENCES AND INCLUDE FIVE DIFFERENT ANSWERS.


Defend a teen's choice to choose abstinence versus sexual activity.

Answer: I believe that a teens choice to be abstinent versus be sexualy active is the right thing to do. Why, well simply because it is up to him whether or not he wants it that way. The only thing that I would make sure that the teen does is to conduct research or provide him with factual information about the subject so that before making a decision he dies it knowing fully well the causes and effects.

I hope it helps, Regards.

Final answer:

There are several reasons why a teen may choose abstinence over sexual activity: preventing unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections, personal values and beliefs, focusing on other aspects of life, emotional and mental well-being, and building strong relationships.


There are several reasons why a teen may choose abstinence over sexual activity:

  1. Preventing unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections: Abstinence is the only 100% effective method of preventing these risks.
  2. Personal values and beliefs: Some teens may choose abstinence based on their cultural, religious, or personal values.
  3. Focus on other aspects of life: Teens may decide to prioritize their education, career goals, or personal growth instead of engaging in sexual activity.
  4. Emotional and mental well-being: Abstinence can help avoid the potential emotional and mental consequences that can come with sexual activity.
  5. Building strong relationships: Abstinence allows teens to establish strong emotional connections and develop trust with their partners before engaging in sexual activity.

Learn more about Reasons for choosing abstinence here:



What does Updating and expanding your transferable skills is advantageous? a. Once you hit your skill cap, you won’t have to work on them anymore. b. When you leave your job, you can give them to your replacement. c. Specialization is valuable for career advancement and finding new opportunities. d. You can use those skills in every situation and career no matter what.


The question ask to choose among the following choices that could support the said question about Updating and expanding the transferable skills and the best answer would be letter D. You can use skills in every situation and career no matter what. I hope this would help. 




In act II of hamlet, what does the queen believe caused Hamlet to go insane


I believe the answer is: the death Of his Father

The death of the King (his Father) caused Hamlet a lot of Grief, to the point where he was filled with suicidal thought.

On top of that, his mother made matter worse by marrying his uncle not long after the death of his father.

Queen Gertrude wishes that the reason of her son's obvious insanity may be his love for Ophelia. In Act 3, Scene 1, she says: And for your part, Ophelia, I do wish That your good beauties be the happy cause Of Hamlet's wildness. So shall I hope your virtues Will bring him to his wonted way again,To both your honors.However, in Act 2, Scene 2, when Polonius tells Claudius and Gertrude, "...I have found / the very cause of Hamlet's lunacy," Gertrude says to her Poloniys: I doubt it is no other but the main,His father's death, and our o'erhasty marriage. From this, we can understand that Polonius' explanation of his diagnosis of Hamlet's insanity as being the result of his foiled passion for Ophelia has some influence on Gertrude's thinking. When Claudius asks her, "Do you think 'tis this?" she replies, "It may be, very like." So the Queen would like to think that she is not the cause for her son's apparent madness, although she may still secretly fear that she is at least partially responsible.

Coleridge's "Kubla Kahn" was based on _____. his trips to the Orient Coleridge's dream vision Coleridge's childhood dreams none of these Wordsworth's early work is considered typical of the Romantic era. His later works are not because _____. he had become disillusioned, and his works not longer reflected the Romantic ideals he began to emphasize rigid structure both of these none of these


Kubla Khan was based on Coleridge's dream vision. He became disillusioned and no longer dealt with Romantic ideals. Instead of them, he focused on philosophy and literary criticism.

Which two of these excerpts from Homer’s Odyssey depict the gods’ involvement in mortal affairs?1“But, tell me who thou art? and what thy race?
Thy town, thy parents, and thy native place?
Or, if a merchant in pursuit of gain,
What port received thy vessel from the main?
Or comest thou single, or attend thy train?”

2Then thus Minerva in Laertes' ear:
"Son of Arcesius, reverend warrior, hear!
Jove and Jove's daughter first implore in prayer,
Then, whirling high, discharge thy lance in air."

3Cylenius now to Pluto's dreary reign
Conveys the dead, a lamentable train!
The golden wand, that causes sleep to fly,
Or in soft slumber seals the wakeful eye,
That drives the ghosts to realms of night or day,
Points out the long uncomfortable way.

4Now sat Ulysses at the rural feast
The rage of hunger and of thirst repress'd:
To watch the foe a trusty spy he sent:
A son of Dolius on the message went,
Stood in the way, and at a glance beheld
The foe approach, embattled on the field.


I am pretty sure about the second excerpt, it directly shows gods' involvement in mortal affairs
Then thus Minerva in Laertes' ear:"Son of Arcesius, reverend warrior, hear!Jove and Jove's daughter first implore in prayer,Then, whirling high, discharge thy lance in air."
And I believe that the next correct answer is
“But, tell me who thou art? and what thy race?
Thy town, thy parents, and thy native place?
Or, if a merchant in pursuit of gain,
What port received thy vessel from the main?
Or comest thou single, or attend thy train?”